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Persam (Wearable flexible perspiration biosensor for the detection of liver diseases)

Font de finançament:

Generalitat de Catalunya


01/02/2024 a 31/07/2024

Tipologia del projecte:

Proyecto Individual

Entitat finançadora:




Development of a wearable flexible perspiration biosensor for the prevention of hepatic encephalitis and other liver diseases

Continuous sweat monitoring represents a non-invasive technique for the obtention of in-depth data of patients’ biomolecular state. Changes on ammonia reflects the metabolic breakdown of proteins indicating liver alterations such as liver cancer or hepatic encephalitis.
At GEMAT, we have developed a new conductive polymer (PANI-ZWTTs) that allows the detection of small amounts of ammonia. This non-reported material is promising to be used in a biosensor because its antifouling properties, avoiding the undesired adhesion of proteins that leads the loss of specificity, high flexibility for its adaptation to human skin and a high electroactivity and sensitivity.
The primary objective of this project is to assess whether the PANI-ZWTT polymer developed within the GEMAT group can be effectively implemented in a biosensor for the detection of ammonia in sweat.

Our material presents a competitive advantage compared to other materials as it addresses all the limitations in current technologies: the modification with zwitterionic groups allows us to prevent the functionalization of the sensor layer by proteins, significantly improving the sensor’s performance and lifespan.

Aquest projecte és un ajut de la convocatòria 2023 d’Indústria del Coneixement d’AGAUR i rep el finançament del Departament de Recerca i Universitats de la Generalitat de Catalunya

Colaboradores / Entidad financiadora

Departament de Recerca i Universitats