Thesis Evaluation and Defense Process
The Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program (CAPD), based on the supervisor’s proposal, will prepare a reasoned and justified document recommending the committee for evaluating the doctoral thesis. This document will be submitted to the Doctoral Committee of Universitat Ramon Llull for approval, along with the proposal to initiate the thesis deposit process.
The committee will consist of three doctoral-level researchers with accredited research experience, at least two of whom must be external to the Universities of Deusto, Comillas, and Ramon Llull. Additionally, the proposal must include two substitute members who meet the same qualifications. The composition of both full and substitute members must ensure gender balance in accordance with positive discrimination policies.
The thesis director(s) and tutor may not be part of the committee, except in cases where the thesis is presented within a bilateral joint supervision agreement with a foreign university, provided the agreement explicitly allows for this exception.
The chair of the committee will be the professor with the highest academic rank and longest tenure in active service. Once the tribunal is approved, the Academic Committee of the Program will formally notify its members and send them:
- A copy of the thesis
- The doctoral candidate’s activity document (DAD)
- An indication, if applicable, that the thesis qualifies for the International Mention in the Doctoral Degree
The comittee will use the doctoral candidate’s activity document as a qualitative assessment tool, complementing the evaluation of the thesis itself.
Thesis Defense Process
The chair of the committee will coordinate with the full committee members, the thesis director, and the tutor (if applicable) to set the date, time, and location of the defense ceremony. The CAPD is responsible for ensuring that the defense is publicly announced in advance.
Before the defense, the committee must convene with all three full members present or, if necessary, with appropriate substitutes. The Secretary of the committee will document the formation of the tribunal in an official constitution report.
The thesis defense will be conducted as follows:
- The defense takes place in a public session on a school day.
- The doctoral candidate will present and defend their research before the tribunal.
- For multi-university or external collaboration programs, the defense will be held in accordance with the relevant agreements.
- At the end of the committee’s questions, attending doctoral researchers may ask questions, following the procedures set by the tribunal chair.
Thesis Evaluation and Grading
After the defense, each committee member will submit a written report evaluating the thesis. Behind closed doors, the tribunal will determine the overall grade to be awarded. The tribunal chair will then publicly announce the final grade.
In exceptional cases, as determined by the Academic Committee of the Program, a confidentiality procedure will be implemented to protect the thesis content. This applies in cases involving company participation, confidentiality agreements, or potential patents derived from the research. The confidentiality procedure ensures restricted access to both the defense session and the institutional repository filing.
“Cum Laude” Distinction and Final Documentation
The committee may propose that the thesis be awarded the distinction of “cum laude”, provided all tribunal members unanimously cast a positive secret vote. The vote counting takes place in a separate closed-door session after the public defense and grading announcement.
The Secretary of the tribunal will draft the official minutes, detailing the thesis defense process and the final grade. The cum laude votes will be attached to this report. If the doctoral candidate has applied for the International Mention in the Doctoral Degree, the Secretary will include a certification confirming compliance with the requirements of Article 15 of the regulations.
All completed certification documents will be submitted to the General Secretariat.