Manuel Abad Roldán, PhD
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceJordi Abellà Iglesias, PhD
Department of Analytical and Applied ChemistryOriol Abril Pla
Department of Mathematics and Data AnalyticsNorma Aguilera Escuder
IQS Tech TransferNúria Agulló Chaler, PhD
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceMontserrat Agut Bonsfills, PhD
Department of BioengineeringAdrià Albuixech Penalva
ICTsAnaïs Aldana Peralta
Communication and Corporate MarketingGemma Algueró Millán
Accounting and FinanceVictor Alonso Rios
MaintenanceCésar Alquézar Alegre
Department of Industrial EngineeringMercè Amat Duran
Dean’s Office of the IQS School of ManagementRobert Amorós Ramos
Accounting and FinanceSonia Amorós Ramos
Accounting and FinanceLaura Angulo García
Department of Analytical and Applied ChemistrySergio Arasa Lorenzo
ICTsJordi Arbusà Amorós
IQS Tech FactoryAna Arias Donaire
Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical ChemistryManel Arribas Ibar
Department of Business ManagementMargalida Artigues Cladera, PhD
IQS Tech TransferYeray Asensio Ramírez, PhD
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceMaria Auset Vallejo, PhD
Department of BioengineeringIgnacio Azor Granada
Department of Industrial EngineeringB
Judith Báguena Polo, PhD
Department of Analytical and Applied ChemistryJuan Carlos Balbás Plaza
Executive EducationMercedes Balcells Camps, PhD
Department of BioengineeringAlberto Balfagón Costa, PhD
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceEva Barreda Carrasco
Human Resources and OrganizationAlberto Barrera Berro, SJ, PhD
Immaculada Barrio Hernández
Dean’s Office of the IQS School of EngineeringJavier Batllori Aguilà, PhD
Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical ChemistryCarlos Bel López
Human Resources and OrganizationMónica Bel López
Human Resources and OrganizationAlejandra Beltrán Penagos
Department of Ethics and Christian ThoughtVanesa Berlanga Silvente
Department of Mathematics and Data AnalyticsXavier Berzosa Rodríguez, PhD
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceSandra Betrián Martínez
IQS Tech TransferXavier Biarnés Fontal, PhD
Department of BioengineeringM. Josefa Blanco Roca, PhD
Department of Analytical and Applied ChemistryNieves Blázquez González
LibraryNúria Bonastre Thió
Executive EducationAlonso Bonillo Sánchez
MaintenanceNatalia Borda Ruiz
Department of BioengineeringLuisa Borondo Ruiz
Human Resources and OrganizationJosé I. Borrell, PhD
Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical ChemistrySalvador Borrós Gómez, PhD
Management and Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceMihály Tamás Borsi, PhD
Department of Economics and FinanceSara Botifoll Armada
IQS CareersSilvia Bou Ysàs, PhD
Department of Economics and FinanceMarina Brito Ferraz
Department of Ethics and Christian ThoughtFrancesc Broto Puig, PhD
Benoit Brunet
Student LifeMichael Bruyns-Haylett, PhD
Department of Business ManagementC
Laura Cabeza Fillot
Department of Mathematics and Data AnalyticsRaúl Calvo Serrano, PhD
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceJudith Camaló Vila
Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical ChemistryLaura Campos Rubio
Business FoundationMarta Camprodon Rosanas, PhD
Student LifeAgustín Cano Cabellud
MaintenanceRoberto Cantoni, PhD
Department of Ethics and Christian ThoughtLuca Caprera
Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical ChemistryGuillem Carnero Rodríguez
ICTsMarc Carnicer Heras, PhD
Department of BioengineeringOlga Carreño Cadarso
Communication and Corporate MarketingXavier Casanovas Combalia, PhD
Department of Ethics and Christian ThoughtM. Isabel Castaño Ferrer
Registrar's OfficePau Castells Colldeforns
Department of BioengineeringSusanna Castillo Gibert
Dean’s Office of the IQS School of EngineeringDavid Castillo Merino, PhD
Department of Economics and FinanceRaúl Castillo Muñoz
Department of Industrial EngineeringFernando Catalán García
Department of Industrial EngineeringMª José Cerrillo Gómez
LibraryÀngel Chacón González
Communication and Corporate MarketingMª Victoria Codera Pastor, PhD
Department of Analytical and Applied ChemistrySergi Colominas Fuster, PhD
Department of Analytical and Applied ChemistryCarles Colominas Guardia, PhD
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceLuís Comellas Riera, PhD
Cristina Corella Puente
Facility ServicesAna Corral Cano
Student Help DeskMaria de Lourdes Correa Salgado
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceJoan Cortés Mayans
Department of Business ManagementJordi Cuadros Margarit, PhD
Department of Mathematics and Data AnalyticsAna María Cuartero Albesa, PhD
Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical ChemistryRubén Cuenca Costas
Department of Business ManagementAna Belén Cuenca González, PhD
Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical ChemistryRosa Curt Santpera
Business FoundationD
Giovanni Dalmasso, PhD
Department of Mathematics and Data AnalyticsDaibel De Armas Oramas, PhD
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceElena de Pfaff Porta
Communication and Corporate MarketingMª Belén Derqui Zaragoza, PhD
Dean's Office of the IQS School of Management and Department of Business ManagementJordi Díaz Ferrero, PhD
Dean of the IQS School of Engineering and Department of Analytical and Applied ChemistryCristina Díaz Perlas, PhD
Department of BioengineeringEva Díez López
Department of Business ManagementIsabel Domingo Picarín
IQS Tech TransferGisela Domínguez Picart, PhD
IQS Careers and Department of Tourism and Hospitality ManagementJanielly Taila Dos Santos Verbisck
Department of Mathematics and Data AnalyticsKarina Dueñas Parro
Department of Analytical and Applied ChemistryJordi Duran Castells, PhD
Department of BioengineeringE
Montserrat Escobar Rosales
Department of BioengineeringMontserrat Escobar Rosales
Department of BioengineeringM. Roser Escudé Recasens
LibraryMaría Luisa Espasa Sempere, PhD
Silvia Estévez Castella
Department of Mathematics and Data AnalyticsRoger Estrada Tejedor, PhD
Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical ChemistryF
Alexander Fabian Biewald
Department of BioengineeringNorma Fàbregas Vallvé, PhD
Department of BioengineeringMagda Faijes Simona, PhD
Department of BioengineeringInés Teresa Fallon Estaún, PhD
Department of Analytical and Applied ChemistryJennifer Fernández Alarcón
Department of BioengineeringJavier Fernández García, PhD
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceSantiago Fernández Ortiz
Accounting and FinanceLaura Fernández Ruano, PhD
Department of Mathematics and Data AnalyticsEva Fernández Valugo
ManagementMaria Gloria Ferrer Oliveras
LibraryAndrés Férriz Canals
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceAlbert Florensa Giménez, PhD
Albert Forés Garriga, PhD
Department of Industrial EngineeringCristina Fornaguera Puigvert, PhD
Department of BioengineeringJuan Miguel Fornas Navarro
InfrastructureAlbert Fornells Herrera, PhD
Department of Mathematics and Data AnalyticsDaniela Mónica Freund de Klumbis, PhD
Department of Tourism and Hospitality ManagementSara Fuentelsaz Romero, PhD
Department of BioengineeringG
Eva Garcés Ochoa
Communication and Corporate MarketingJosep García Blandón, PhD
Department of Economics and FinanceMarc García Cebrián
Student LifeHéctor García de la Torre
Department of Industrial EngineeringMarc García Gauchía
Department of Business ManagementAndrés García Granada, PhD
Department of Industrial EngineeringMaría García Maestre
Department of BioengineeringVíctor García Tárrega
Communication and Corporate MarketingM. Montserrat Gasser Rubinat
IQS Tech TransferMiquel Gassiot Matas, PhD
Albert Gibert Bosch, PhD
Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical ChemistryTomás Gil Tomás
Executive EducationMaria Gil Vives
Department of BioengineeringGeorgina Girona Aranguren
Communication and Corporate MarketingNúria Golet Pascual
Department of BioengineeringCristian Gómez Canela, PhD
Department of Analytical and Applied ChemistryFernando Gómez del Campo Tirado
IQS Tech TransferGiovanni Gómez Gras, PhD
Department of Industrial EngineeringEva González Gallego
Communication and Corporate MarketingSebastián González Kuguel
Department of BioengineeringEsther González Menéndez
IQS Tech TransferRafael González Olmos, PhD
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceLucinio González Sabaté, PhD
Patricia González Sáenz, PhD
Department of BioengineeringYolanda González Urrea
Registrar's OfficeOrlando Gonzalo Rivero
Department of Industrial EngineeringMònica Gordillo Palma
IQS Tech TransferGemma Gotor Navarra, PhD
Department of Analytical and Applied ChemistryRoser Grau Bartolomé
IQS Tech FactorySara Gubert Cellalbo
Department of BioengineeringMarta Guerra Rebollo, PhD
Department of BioengineeringDavid Guinart Primé
MaintenanceM. del Mar Guitert Catasús, PhD
Department of Business ManagementFrancesc Xavier Guix Ràfols, PhD
Department of BioengineeringJordi Guixeras Carreras
Department of BioengineeringOscar Gulías Borau, PhD
Department of BioengineeringH
Pablo Haasnoot Martí
IQS Tech TransferElena Haro Martínez
Department of BioengineeringJosé Carlos Hermida Congosto
Department of Business ManagementGilda Hernández Maskivker, PhD
Department of Tourism and Hospitality ManagementMarc Hernández Mestre
Communication and Corporate MarketingMax Hernández Sala
Student LifeAlfonso Hernández Vivanco, PhD
Department of Business Management and Department of Industrial EngineeringAntonio Hinojo Ramírez
Department of Analytical and Applied ChemistryTadashi Hirai, PhD
Department of Economics and FinancePaula Huguet Calvo
Executive EducationJ
Lina María Jaramillo Mateus
Communication and Corporate MarketingNoelia Jiménez-Asenjo de Pedro, PhD
Department of Business ManagementMirèia Jofre Soriano
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceMireia Jordà Redondo
Department of Analytical and Applied ChemistrySonia Jové Quiroga
IQS Tech TransferEnric Julià Danés, PhD
Juan Ricardo Latacumba Andrade
MaintenanceGabriela Leal Escamilla
Department of Ethics and Christian ThoughtMartí Lecina Veciana, PhD
Department of BioengineeringPablo Leivar Rico, PhD
Dean’s Office of the IQS School of Engineering and Department of BioengineeringCatalina León Pérez
Executive EducationNúria Llaverias Baqués
Department of Industrial EngineeringMaia Lloveras Monserrat, PhD
IQS Tech TransferSusana López López
Registrar's OfficeMar Losada Baranera
Department of Analytical and Applied ChemistryMaria Celia Lucana Meneses
Department of BioengineeringDavid Lucià Aznar
Souhaila M'Barek Dghoughi
Student Help DeskCarlos Malet Falcó, PhD
Strategy and Business ManagementM. Lourdes Margarit Roig, PhD
Department of Analytical and Applied ChemistryIgnacio Marina Aymerich
IQS Alumni (A-IQS)Maria-Cristina Marinescu, PhD
Department of Mathematics and Data AnalyticsRamon Martí Ibáñez
IQS Tech TransferMònica Martínez Blasco, PhD
Department of Economics and FinanceRaül Martínez Buixeda
Department of Economics and FinanceJordi Martorell López, PhD
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceGérard Martorell Loubière, PhD
Department of Business ManagementFrancesc de Paula Martori Adrian, PhD
Department of Mathematics and Data AnalyticsMontserrat Mas Rodríguez
Accounting and FinanceRicard Masip Pous, PhD
Ferran Massó Riera
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceDavid Matas Pàmies
ICTsJorge Matute Vallejo, PhD
Department of Business ManagementXavier Melero Cobo
Department of BioengineeringJoaquim Menacho Solà-Morales, PhD
Department of Industrial EngineeringAntoni Mestres Claver
Executive EducationJan-Hinrich Meyer, PhD
Department of Business ManagementBadamasi Bashir Mikailu
Department of Mathematics and Data AnalyticsLina Min Xu
Student Help DeskEmilio Miró Centeno
Human Resources and OrganizationIsabel Molas Beykirch
Executive EducationJose Javier Molins Vara, PhD
General Secretary's Office y Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceM. Jesús Montaña Castillo
IQS Tech TransferCristina Montañola Sales, PhD
Department of Mathematics and Data AnalyticsEmma Moragrega Knol
Department of Analytical and Applied ChemistryNúria Moral Blázquez
Department of BioengineeringHoracio Moreno Manzano, PhD
Department of BioengineeringVíctor Moreno Trinxet
Facility ServicesPaula Morer García
IQS Tech TransferManuel Morillas Díaz, PhD
Research Office (OTRI) - IQS Tech TransferAnna Muñoz Tió
IQS Tech TransferN
Lia Naik Falces
IQS CareersAbel Navajas García
Accounting and FinanceMaría Navalón López
Ying Ni
Department of Business ManagementRubén Nicolás Sans
Department of Mathematics and Data AnalyticsGloria Nieva Esteve, PhD
Department of BioengineeringSantiago Niño Becerra, PhD
Rosa Nomen Ribé, PhD
Santiago Nonell Marrugat, PhD
Department of Analytical and Applied ChemistryO
Sejin Oh, PhD
IQS Tech TransferNúria Oliva Jorge, PhD
Department of BioengineeringAntoni Olivé Tomàs, PhD
Department of Business ManagementBenjamí Oller Salvia, PhD
Department of BioengineeringYara Onetti Vilalta, PhD
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceMelissa Orphali
Department of Analytical and Applied ChemistryXavier Ortiz Almirall, PhD
Department of Analytical and Applied ChemistryP
Pedro Palacín Farré, PhD
Department of Industrial EngineeringRamon Palau Saumell, PhD
Department of Business ManagementAlberto Pallarès Sole
Department of Business ManagementDamià Palmer Comas
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceShambhavi Pandey, PhD
Department of BioengineeringCristian Patau Espech
Front DeskMaria Mercè Pedrola Puig
Human Resources and OrganizationJorge Peralta Ramos
Department of Tourism and Hospitality ManagementJoanette Pereira Lachataignerais
ICTsJoedmi Pereira Lachataignerais, PhD
Research Office (OTRI) - IQS Tech TransferMarco Antonio Pérez Martínez, PhD
Department of Industrial EngineeringOscar Yael Pérez Soria
Department of BioengineeringElena Peribáñez Altisent
Student LifeMoisés Petit Bernárdez
ICTsHelena Pla Solans, PhD
IQS Tech TransferAntoni Planas Sauter, PhD
Department of BioengineeringIris Pontón Barroso
Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical ChemistryJosep Oriol Pou Ibar, PhD
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceFederico Prats Salmurri
Department of Business ManagementFrancesc Prior Sanz, PhD
Department of Economics and FinanceJuan Francisco Puertas Montoro, PhD
Department of Tourism and Hospitality ManagementElena Puig de la Bellacasa Castellón
Registrar's OfficeRaimon Puig de la Bellacasa Cazorla, PhD
Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical ChemistryLlorenç Puig Puig, PhD
Department of Ethics and Christian ThoughtAdrià Puigdemont Gifra
Department of BioengineeringJosep Maria Puigoriol Forcada, PhD
Department of Industrial EngineeringQ
Marc Rafat Casafont
Executive EducationPaola Andrea Raffaelli, PhD
Department of Ethics and Christian ThoughtNathanaël Cédric Rakotoarinoro, PhD
Department of BioengineeringItziar Ramírez García, PhD
Department of Tourism and Hospitality ManagementAlba Ramírez Pagès
Department of Business ManagementXavier Ramírez Roma, PhD
Department of Economics and FinanceGenís Ramon Ferrer
Projects and Data DepartmentJohn Vara Prasad Ravi
Department of Business ManagementGuillermo Reyes Pozo, PhD
Dean’s Office of the IQS School of Engineering and Department of Industrial EngineeringM. Cristina Ribas Font, PhD
IQS Tech TransferEsteve Rodés Vargas
Registrar's OfficeMarisol Rodríguez Fuster
Quality DepartmentNatalia Rodríguez Murillo
Department of Analytical and Applied ChemistryGonzalo Rodríguez Pérez, PhD
Department of Economics and FinanceAlbert Rof Bertrans
Department of Business ManagementOriol Rojas Serra
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceEdgar Rojas Suárez
Department of Business ManagementGloria Romero Morillo
Dean’s Office of the IQS School of ManagementDavid Ros Pelegay
Executive EducationHoracio Rostro González, PhD
Department of Industrial EngineeringIsabel Rovira Coll
Communication and Corporate MarketingLucia Ruiz Burgos
PurchasingMarta Ruiz Dotras
Communication and Corporate MarketingMariel Ruiz Kubli, PhD
IQS Tech TransferEduardo Ruiz López, PhD
Department of BioengineeringS
Javier Sáez Araguás
Department of Industrial EngineeringMeritxell Sáez Cornellana, PhD
Department of Mathematics and Data AnalyticsAlbert Sales Alba
Department of Analytical and Applied ChemistryJordi Sales Zaguirre, PhD
Department of Tourism and Hospitality ManagementGemma Sanahuja Cuscó
Communication and Corporate MarketingJose Maria Sánchez Diogo
StorageDavid Sánchez García, PhD
Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical ChemistryMaría José Sánchez Gómez
Department of BioengineeringJose Luis Sánchez Torelló, PhD
Department of Business ManagementDario Santantonio
Department of Analytical and Applied ChemistryRicard Santomà Vicens, PhD
Office of International RelationsMarina Sarmiento Casellas
IQS Tech TransferJosep Saurí Jiménez, PhD
Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical ChemistryMichelle Schwarz
Department of Business ManagementIris Selgar Agramunt
Department of Industrial EngineeringCarlos Eduardo Semino, PhD
Department of BioengineeringJulià Sempere Cebrian, PhD
Andrés Seoane Fernández, PhD
Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical ChemistryEduard Serra Hosta, PhD
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceSara Serrano Fernández
IQS Tech TransferRicard Servera Ponsa
PurchasingQueralt Simón Ibars
Quality DepartmentJoaquín Solana Oliver, PhD
Department of Business ManagementVladimir Stamenkovic, PhD
Department of BioengineeringMaría Stampa López-Pinto
Department of BioengineeringOliver Jan Stratil
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceElisabet Sulé Schilt
Executive EducationT
Rallou Taratori
Department of Ethics and Christian ThoughtRoger Tarazona Miravet
PurchasingJordi Teixidó Closa, PhD
Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical ChemistryFrancesc Teixidó i Navarro, PhD
Projects and Data Department and Department of Tourism and Hospitality ManagementMarta Tena León, PhD
Communication and Corporate Marketing and Department of Business ManagementRobert Texidó Bartés, PhD
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceGina Thornton
Research Office (OTRI) - IQS Tech TransferMª Montserrat Titsch Coca
InfrastructureSergi Tomás Blázquez
Executive EducationOlivia Tomic Solà
Accounting and FinanceNúria Toneu Llobet
LibraryPatricia Torruella Barrios
Department of BioengineeringHelena Tremoleda Pi
Department of Business ManagementJesús Tricás Preckler, PhD
Octasiano Miguel Valerio Mendoza, PhD
Department of Mathematics and Data AnalyticsNúria Valero Vancells
Communication and Corporate MarketingNúria Vallmitjana Palau, PhD
IQS Tech TransferM. Inmaculada Valls Martí
Projects and Data DepartmentTom Van der Heyden
Department of Business ManagementFlavio Vasconcellos Comim, PhD
Dean of the IQS School of Management and Department of Ethics and Christian ThoughtDaniel Vázquez Vázquez, PhD
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceAriadna Verdaguer Ferrer, PhD
Department of Analytical and Applied ChemistryNarcís Vidal Borrell
Communication and Corporate Marketing and Department of Business ManagementRaquel Villalobos Termes
IQS Tech TransferAna Maria Vinué Milián
IQS Alumni (A-IQS)