Master’s Degrees
The admissions process for our Master’s Degrees is already open.
In order to apply for admission to our master’s programmes, we require a series of documents for a correct prior assessment.

These are the details
How do I apply to IQS?
To apply for an IQS master’s degree, you will have to start the admission process and submit a series of documents so that we can evaluate your profile. The first step of the admission process is to pre-register online.
The entire process, as well as the admission test, are designed so that you can do it completely online. You will have the support of the admissions team in case you have any questions.
Step by step
The first step is to create an account and sign up here. You must save and remember your user name and password as they will enable you to continue the process you have started.
If you are an IQS student, you must pre-enrol directly from your SIGMA environment. Enter your username and password and go to official studies/pre-registration.
Documentation to upload:
- Your university degree, if you have completed your studies. If you have studied outside the EU you will need to have your degree apostilled and legalised for the enrolment phase.
- The academic certificate, as up to date as possible, with a grade point average on a scale of 0-10.
1 ID card photograph in colour with white background in JPG format (176×220 pixels).
- Photocopy of a valid ID card (or passport), both sides.
- Document accrediting the level of English required for your chosen programme
- If your access studies have been taken outside the European Union, you must provide a certificate issued by your university confirming that the university degree obtained allows access to postgraduate studies at university level in the country where the degree was awarded. You can download the model certificate here.
Payment of €100 by credit or debit card for the opening and processing of the file.
This amount will be refunded only in the event that a student is not admitted to the studies, notwithstanding the RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL* under the legally established terms.
* RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL Regarding the pre-registration process and the associated payment, students may exercise their legal right of withdrawal as established under the General Law on Consumer and User Defence. In view of the foregoing, applicants are entitled to a period of fourteen calendar days to withdraw and are not required to justify their decision, shall not face any penalties or fees of any kind, and shall be entitled to a full refund of any sums paid. Exercising the right of withdrawal does not require the submission of any specific form. Applicants can exercise this right by sending a letter addressed to the IQS Admissions Office (an email addressed to admisiones@iqs.url.edu), indicating the applicant’s personal information making it possible to identify the process with respect to which the right of withdrawal is being exercised, and the decision to exercise it. Exercising the right of withdrawal within the established period means that IQS will refund any sums received within a period of fourteen calendar days from the date on which the withdrawal was communicated, by the same payment method used by the applicant or by bank transfer. The right to withdraw may not be exercised if the admissions test has been taken, without prejudice to a refund if said test has not been passed.
The coordinator will contact you for an interview.
Subsequently, IQS will inform you by email of the resolution of your admission.
Once admitted, you have a period of 2 weeks to make your pre-registration payment on the online preregistration platform by credit or debit card. You must make a pre-enrolment payment of €1,000.
If you are a non-EU student you will receive your visa letter once IQS has received your pre-enrolment fee.
Once the enrolment period is open, if you have completed the previous stages, you will receive an email from the Secretary’s Office with your credentials and instructions on how to proceed with your enrolment.
With your credentials, you must log in to the SIGMA academic management application and formalise your enrolment, indicating the method of payment.
You will have to submit the following documentation in original or with digital signature at the General Secretariat as, until now, you have only submitted it in electronic format.
You must provide:
- Certified photocopy of the entrance qualification or of the receipt for the payment of the fees for the issuing of the qualification.
- Original official academic transcript.
- A certificate issued by your university confirming that the university degree obtained allows access to postgraduate studies in the country where the degree was awarded.
- If you decide to pay by direct debit, you must submit to the Administration Department the original of the SEPA direct debit order completed and signed by the bank account holder. You can find it here. This option is not available for students who do not have a Spanish bank account.
- Certificate of English level.
Your enrolment will remain in “conditional enrolment” status pending receipt of the original documentation. You must submit it, at the latest, during the first month of the course.
Tuition fee
Payment methods
1. Single payment direct debited from a Spanish bank account: You must submit the original “SEPA” direct debit order document.
- This payment method will not be possible for bank accounts not held in Spain.
- Tuition fees are charged to the bank account within 15 days of enrolment.
2. Single payment by POS: Payment can be made online by credit or debit card.
3. Instalment payments via nine direct debit orders using a Spanish bank account: You must submit the original “SEPA” direct debit order document. This payment method will not be possible for bank accounts not held in Spain.
- A first instalment payment is due within 15 days of enrolment, for the sum of 37% of the tuition fees. Pre-enrolment fees will be deducted for first-time students.
- Eight direct debit instalment payments, between the 5th to the 10th of each month from October to May. There is a 4% surcharge on the deferred amount for this payment method.
4. Instalment payments via four direct debit orders using a Spanish bank account: You must submit the original “SEPA” direct debit order document. This payment method will not be possible for bank accounts not held in Spain.
- A first instalment payment is due within 15 days of enrolment, for the sum of 37% of the tuition fees. Pre-enrolment fees will be deducted for first-time students.
- Three direct debit instalment payments, between the 5th to the 10th of each month from October to December. There is a 2% surcharge on the deferred amount for this payment method.
Individuals who do not have a Spanish bank account and are making the payment from outside Spain can make the payment at: https://iqs.flywire.com
More information