Research groups
IQS lecturers and researchers are organised into research groups based on common interests in certain scientific fields. They work together on established research lines and also collaborate with external researchers from other universities, research centres and other entities or companies.
IQS has a total of 15 research groups, of which 14 have received the SGR – Cat 2021 accreditation of AGAUR (Govern of Catalonia). The 14 AGAUR accredited groups are considered as Consolidated Research Groups (11 groups) and Emerging Research Group (3 groups) . IQS has received funding for 2 of these Consolidated research groups. In addition, the research groups from the IQS School of Engineering are part of the IQS Tech Transfer – URL group, has received the TECNIO accreditation from ACCIO (Govern of Catalonia). This accreditation identifies centers that offer a differential technologies and knowledge transfer processes to the Catalan industrial sector.

BrainMet – Brain Metabolism Lab
The Brain Metabolism Lab is devoted to investigating critical aspects of brain metabolism, in particular its influence on neurological functions and its implications in neurodegenerative diseases.

CONHATIVE – Consumer Behavior Perspectives
The Research Group Consumer Behavior Perspectives (CONHATIVE), is an IQS research group that has been recognized as a consolidated research group, by AGAUR (Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca, Generalitat de Catalunya) in 2021.

GAM – Applied Mechanics and Advanced Manufacturing
GAM (Group of Applied Mechanics and Advanced Manufacturing) is a multidisciplinary group of scientists and engineers focused on research and problem-solving related to the advanced manufacturing, the development, characterisation and efficient use of engineering-grade materials, and the enhancement of structural performance.

CORPGOV – Corporate Governance
The Research Group on Corporate Governance (CORPGOV) is a research group at Universitat Ramon Llull that is currently recognized by AGAUR as a Consolidated Research Group.

GEPI – Industrial Products Engineering Group
The GEPI group (Industrial Products Engineering Group) conducts its activity in three main areas: Additive Manufacturing (AM), Reverse Engineering: digitization of objects with scanners and mechanical characterization of materials.

GEVAB – Vascular Engineering and Applied Biomedicine Group
The GEVAB group develops its activity in two main areas: the development of biomaterials to treat vascular pathologies and the study of other clinical needs, integrating knowledge from medicine, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and computing.

GQBB – Biological and Biotechnological Chemistry
The GQBB group (Biological and Biotechnological Chemistry Group) conducts its activity in three main areas: identification and molecular analysis of proteins and enzymes, their use as therapeutic targets and design and applications of enzymes in biocatalysis and biotechnology in microorganisms.

GQF – Pharmaceutical Chemistry Group
The GQF group research focuses on two main areas: 1) The Pharmaceutical Chemistry Unit (new drugs)2) The Continuous Chemical Processes Unit

TSI (Tourism, Sustainability and Innovation)
The Tourism, Sustainability and Innovation Research Group focuses its research on the following areas: Sustainable and Responsible Tourism and Hotel and Hospitality Management.<

GEMAT – Materials Engineering
The GEMAT group (Materials Engineering Group) conducts its activity in three main areas: the development of new functional materials, surface engineering and biomaterials.

AppLightChem – Applied Photobiological Chemistry
AppLightChem is a research group that specializes in the biomedical applications and chemical aspects of photonics. It focuses its research and transfer activities on solar photoprotection, cancer photochemotherapy, photoantimicrobial therapies and fluorescence imaging. AppLightChem develops advanced chemical technologies for photoprotection, diagnosis and treatment of diseases with light-activated drugs.

CRISOL – Chemical Reactions for Innovative Solutions
CRISOL is a powerful team capable of offering innovative chemical tools that make it real solutions to the challenges of Molecular Science, a discipline that is at the heart of key activities for Society, such as Medicinal and Process Chemistry, or Materials Science.

GESPA – Engineering and Simulation of Environmental Processes Group
GESPA's research is focused on the topics of environmental sustainability from a transversal perspective. GESPA is a consolidated research group by the Catalan Government (2021 SGR 00321) and consists of a multidisciplinary team of scientists who combine chemical engineering, biotechnology and advanced chemical analysis with a theoretical-experimental approach to improve the sustainability of our society.

ADAMIQS – Applied Data Analytics and Modeling IQS
The goal of this group is the application of data analytics and modeling techniques to the different areas of expertise of IQS (i.e. biosciences, engineering and social sciences) and the teaching of these techniques in higher education.

SEE – Sustainability, Economics and Ethics
The Sustainability, Economics and Ethics (SEE) group brings together researchers who collaborate at the intersection of issues related to sustainability, socio-economic and ethical aspects, as well as poverty, inequality, education, aporophobia, social exclusion, convergence, and environment, among others.

ChemSynBio – Chemical & Synthetic Biology for Biotherapies
In the ChemSynBio group (Chemical & Synthetic Biology for Biotherapies) we combine the power of chemical and synthetic biology to create protein-based precision therapeutics and biomedical tools. Our main goals are to treat brain tumors and other brain diseases, and to understand and improve drug transport across the blood-brain barrier.

EQBA – Electrochemistry and Bioanalysis Group
The group's activity is structured around the different analytical, spectrometric, chromatographic, electrochemical and optical techniques, both in their application and development.
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