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Judith Báguena Polo, PhD

Department of Analytical and Applied Chemistry

Juan Carlos Balbás Plaza

Executive Education

Mercedes Balcells Camps, PhD

Department of Bioengineering

Alberto Balfagón Costa, PhD

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science

Eva Barreda Carrasco

Human Resources and Organization

Immaculada Barrio Hernández

Dean’s Office of the IQS School of Engineering

Javier Batllori Aguilà, PhD

Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Carlos Bel López

Human Resources and Organization

Mónica Bel López

Human Resources and Organization

Alejandra Beltrán Penagos

Department of Ethics and Christian Thought

Vanesa Berlanga Silvente

Department of Mathematics and Data Analytics

Xavier Berzosa Rodríguez, PhD

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science

Sandra Betrián Martínez

IQS Tech Transfer

Xavier Biarnés Fontal, PhD

Department of Bioengineering

Adrià Biosca Mecias

M. Josefa Blanco Roca, PhD

Department of Analytical and Applied Chemistry

Nieves Blázquez González


Carles Bofill Bonet, PhD

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science

Núria Bonastre Thió

Executive Education

Alonso Bonillo Sánchez


Natalia Borda Ruiz

Department of Bioengineering

Luisa Borondo Ruiz

Human Resources and Organization

José I. Borrell, PhD

Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Salvador Borrós Gómez, PhD

Management and Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science

Mihály Tamás Borsi, PhD

Department of Economics and Finance

Sara Botifoll Armada

IQS Careers

Silvia Bou Ysàs, PhD

Department of Economics and Finance

Mir Muhammad Bozdar

Roger Bresolí Obach, PhD

Department of Analytical and Applied Chemistry

Marina Brito Ferraz

Department of Ethics and Christian Thought

Francesc Broto Puig, PhD

Benoit Brunet

Student Life

Michael Bruyns-Haylett, PhD

Department of Business Management


Raúl Calvo Serrano, PhD

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science

Judith Camaló Vila

Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Laura Campos Rubio

Business Foundation

Marta Camprodon Rosanas, PhD

Student Life

Francesc Canals Suris

Agustín Cano Cabellud


Ignacio Cantera García

Roberto Cantoni, PhD

Department of Ethics and Christian Thought

Luca Caprera

Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Marcel·lí Carbó Banús

Guillem Carnero Rodríguez


Marc Carnicer Heras, PhD

Department of Bioengineering

Olga Carreño Cadarso

Communication and Corporate Marketing 

Xavier Casanovas Combalia, PhD

Department of Ethics and Christian Thought

M. Isabel Castaño Ferrer

Registrar's Office

Pau Castells Colldeforns

Department of Bioengineering

Susanna Castillo Gibert

Dean’s Office of the IQS School of Engineering

David Castillo Merino, PhD

Department of Economics and Finance

Raúl Castillo Muñoz

Department of Industrial Engineering

Fernando Catalán García

Department of Industrial Engineering

Mª José Cerrillo Gómez


Àngel Chacón González

Communication and Corporate Marketing

Maria Chiara Terzani

Department of Mathematics and Data Analytics

Mª Victoria Codera Pastor, PhD

Department of Analytical and Applied Chemistry

Margarita Codinach Creus

Sergi Colominas Fuster, PhD

Department of Analytical and Applied Chemistry

Carles Colominas Guardia, PhD

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science

Luís Comellas Riera, PhD

Cristina Corella Puente

Facility Services

Ana Corral Cano

Student Help Desk

Maria de Lourdes Correa Salgado

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science

Maria Teresa Cortadellas Benitez

Joan Cortés Mayans

Department of Business Management

Jordi Cuadros Margarit, PhD

Department of Mathematics and Data Analytics

Ana María Cuartero Albesa, PhD

Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Rubén Cuenca Costas

Department of Business Management

Ana Belén Cuenca González, PhD

Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Rosa Curt Santpera

Business Foundation


Marçal Gallemí Rovira, PhD

IQS Tech Transfer

Eva Garcés Ochoa

Communication and Corporate Marketing 

Josep García Blandón, PhD

Department of Economics and Finance

Marc García Cebrián

Student Life

Héctor García de la Torre

Department of Industrial Engineering

Andrés García Granada, PhD

Department of Industrial Engineering

María García Maestre

Department of Bioengineering

Víctor García Tárrega

Communication and Corporate Marketing 

Irene Garnelo Gómez, PhD

Department of Business Management

Oriol Gasch Blasi

M. Montserrat Gasser Rubinat

IQS Tech Transfer

Miquel Gassiot Matas, PhD

Albert Gibert Bosch, PhD

Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Tomás Gil Tomás

Executive Education

Maria Gil Vives

Department of Bioengineering

Georgina Girona Aranguren

Communication and Corporate Marketing 

Núria Golet Pascual

Department of Bioengineering

Júlia Gómez Alcaraz

Projects and Data Governance Unit

Cristian Gómez Canela, PhD

Department of Analytical and Applied Chemistry

Fernando Gómez del Campo Tirado

IQS Tech Transfer

Giovanni Gómez Gras, PhD

Department of Industrial Engineering

Eva González Gallego

Communication and Corporate Marketing 

Julián González García

Sebastián González Kuguel

Department of Bioengineering

Esther González Menéndez

IQS Tech Transfer

Victor Manuel González Miguel

Rafael González Olmos, PhD

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science

Lucinio González Sabaté, PhD

Patricia González Sáenz, PhD

Department of Bioengineering

Yolanda González Urrea

Registrar's Office

Orlando Gonzalo Rivero

Department of Industrial Engineering

Mònica Gordillo Palma

IQS Tech Transfer

Gemma Gotor Navarra, PhD

Department of Analytical and Applied Chemistry

Roser Grau Bartolomé

IQS Tech Factory

Santiago Grijalvo Torrijo

Sara Gubert Cellalbo

Department of Bioengineering

Marta Guerra Rebollo, PhD

Department of Bioengineering

David Guinart Primé


M. del Mar Guitert Catasús, PhD

Department of Business Management

Francesc Xavier Guix Ràfols, PhD

Department of Bioengineering

Jordi Guixeras Carreras

Department of Bioengineering

Oscar Gulías Borau, PhD

Department of Bioengineering


Souhaila M'Barek Dghoughi

Student Help Desk

Carlos Malet Falcó, PhD

Strategy and Business Management

Ignacio Marina Aymerich

IQS Alumni (A-IQS)

Maria-Cristina Marinescu, PhD

Department of Mathematics and Data Analytics

Ramon Martí Ibáñez

IQS Tech Transfer

Mònica Martínez Blasco, PhD

Department of Economics and Finance

Jordi Martorell López, PhD

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science

Gérard Martorell Loubière, PhD

Department of Business Management

Francesc de Paula Martori Adrian, PhD

Department of Mathematics and Data Analytics

Montserrat Mas Rodríguez

Accounting and Finance

Ricard Masip Pous, PhD

Ricardo Augusto Massarico Serafim, PhD

Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Ferran Massó Riera

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science

David Matas Pàmies


Jorge Matute Vallejo, PhD

Department of Business Management

Xavier Melero Cobo

Department of Bioengineering

Joaquim Menacho Solà-Morales, PhD

Department of Industrial Engineering

Antoni Mestres Claver

Executive Education

Jan-Hinrich Meyer, PhD

Department of Business Management

Badamasi Bashir Mikailu

Department of Mathematics and Data Analytics

Lina Min Xu

Student Help Desk

Emilio Miró Centeno

Human Resources and Organization

Isabel Molas Beykirch

Executive Education

Loli Molina Jiménez, PhD

Department of Bioengineering

Jose Javier Molins Vara, PhD

General Secretary's Office y Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science

M. Jesús Montaña Castillo

IQS Tech Transfer

Cristina Montañola Sales, PhD

Department of Mathematics and Data Analytics

Emma Moragrega Knol

Department of Analytical and Applied Chemistry

Núria Moral Blázquez

Department of Bioengineering

Horacio Moreno Manzano, PhD

Department of Bioengineering

Víctor Moreno Trinxet

Facility Services

Paula Morer García

IQS Tech Transfer

Manuel Morillas Díaz, PhD

Research Office (OTRI) - IQS Tech Transfer

Lara Moukalled

Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Anna Muñoz Tió

IQS Tech Transfer


Pedro Palacín Farré, PhD

Department of Industrial Engineering

Ramon Palau Saumell, PhD

Department of Business Management

Alberto Pallarès Sole

Department of Business Management

Damià Palmer Comas

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science

Shambhavi Pandey, PhD

Department of Bioengineering

Cristian Patau Espech

Front Desk

Maria Mercè Pedrola Puig

Human Resources and Organization

Jorge Peralta Ramos

Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Joanette Pereira Lachataignerais


Joedmi Pereira Lachataignerais, PhD

Research Office (OTRI) - IQS Tech Transfer

Marco Antonio Pérez Martínez, PhD

Department of Industrial Engineering

Oscar Yael Pérez Soria

Department of Bioengineering

Elena Peribáñez Altisent

Student Life

Moisés Petit Bernárdez


Helena Pla Solans, PhD

Business Developer - IQS Tech Transfer

Antoni Planas Sauter, PhD

Department of Bioengineering

Iris Pontón Barroso

Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Josep Oriol Pou Ibar, PhD

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science

Federico Prats Salmurri

Department of Business Management

Francesc Prior Sanz, PhD

Department of Economics and Finance

Juan Francisco Puertas Montoro, PhD

Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Elena Puig de la Bellacasa Castellón

Registrar's Office

Raimon Puig de la Bellacasa Cazorla, PhD

Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Llorenç Puig Puig, PhD

Department of Ethics and Christian Thought

Adrià Puigdemont Gifra

Department of Bioengineering

Josep Maria Puigoriol Forcada, PhD

Department of Industrial Engineering


Javier Sáez Araguás

Department of Industrial Engineering

Meritxell Sáez Cornellana, PhD

Department of Mathematics and Data Analytics

Albert Sales Alba

Department of Analytical and Applied Chemistry

Jordi Sales Zaguirre, PhD

Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Gemma Sanahuja Cuscó

Communication and Corporate Marketing 

Jose Maria Sánchez Diogo


David Sánchez García, PhD

Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

María José Sánchez Gómez

Department of Bioengineering

Jose Luis Sánchez Torelló, PhD

Department of Business Management

Dario Santantonio

Department of Analytical and Applied Chemistry

Ricard Santomà Vicens, PhD

Office of International Relations

Marina Sarmiento Casellas

IQS Tech Transfer

Josep Saurí Jiménez, PhD

Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Michelle Schwarz

Department of Business Management

Iris Selgar Agramunt

Department of Industrial Engineering

Carlos Eduardo Semino, PhD

Department of Bioengineering

Julià Sempere Cebrian, PhD

Andrés Seoane Fernández, PhD

Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Eduard Serra Hosta, PhD

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science

Sara Serrano Fernández

IQS Tech Transfer

Ricard Servera Ponsa


Queralt Simón Ibars

Quality Department

Joaquín Solana Oliver, PhD

Department of Business Management

Vladimir Stamenkovic, PhD

Department of Bioengineering

María Stampa López-Pinto

Department of Bioengineering

Oliver Jan Stratil

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science

Elisabet Sulé Schilt

Executive Education