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Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy

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The IQS-Blanquerna Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy provides a solid foundation of knowledge in Community Pharmacies, Hospital Pharmacies, and the Pharmaceutical Industry. Students will cover all aspects related to the pharmaceutical profession guided by a clear, humanist, and scientific orientation. The IQS Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy employs a methodology based on combining direct contact with the professional world, scientific rigour, and the commitment to offering an ethical and comprehensive education.

Key information of the Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy


5 academic years


300 ECTS credits


September 2025


1st year: Monday to Thursday: 2:30 pm to 9:00 pm Friday: 8:30 am to 2:00 pm

Recommended secondary school baccalaureate electives

Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Mathematics


Official degree


First academic year in Spanish. Other years, trilingual: Spanish, Catalan, and English depending on the language skills of the students and faculty.

Why study the Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy at IQS?

4 optional tracks to delve deeper into different areas of the pharmaceutical sector

6 months of compulsory internships in a Community Pharmacy and/or Hospital Pharmacy and 3 months in the Pharmaceutical Industry or similar, related to the different specialization tracks.

1,200+ hours of laboratory and simulation work

Final Degree Project conducted with leading research groups


More than 8,700 m2 of laboratories and workshops

At IQS, students work in laboratories and workshops equipped with the latest technologies. We have specific laboratories for the Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy, where you can put into practice everything you learn during your studies.

Institut Químic de Sarrià Blanquerna URL, Grau en Farmàcia, 23.10.2014 Fotografia PERE VIRGILI

Objectives and competences of the Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy

Curriculum of the Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy

Consult de curriculum
Subject ECTS
Anatomy and Physiology I and II 12
General and Inorganic Chemistry + Laboratory 9+3
Physical Chemistry + Laboratory 6+3
Biology + Laboratory 6+3
Microbiology and Parasitology + Laboratory 6+3
Physics Applied to Pharmacy 6
Interdisciplinary Pharmaceutical Seminar 3
Subject ECTS
Pharmaceutical Chemistry + Laboratory 6+3
Pathophysiology I and II 9
Analytical Chemistry + Laboratory 6+3
Organic Chemistry + Laboratory 6+3
Biochemistry + Laboratory 6+3
Biostatistics 6
Immunology 3
Health Anthropology 3
History of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Legislation, and Ethics I 3
Subject ECTS
Pharmaceutical Technology I and II + Laboratory 12+3
Pharmacology I and II 12
Pharmacognosy + Laboratory 6+3
Structural Determination 6
Biotechnology 6
Food Science 6
Nutrition 3
Pharmaceutical Care and Clinical Pharmacy I 3
Subject ECTS
Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics + Laboratory 6+3
Toxicology 6
Pharmaceutical Care and Clinical Pharmacy II 6
Public Health 6
Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmaceutical Management 6
Advanced Drug Delivery Systems 3
Individualized Therapy (Pharmacogenomics) 3
History of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Legislation, and Ethics II 3
Research Methodology 3
Registries in Pharmaceutical and Related Industries 3
Supervised Practicum I 12
Subject ECTS
Elective subjects 24
Internship 12
Bioethics 6
Supervised Practicum II 12
Final Degree Project (TFG) 6

Elective subjects

You can choose 4 optional tracks to delve deeper into different areas of the pharmaceutical sector.

Your career starts here

In Spain, pharmacists can choose from more than 50 different career opportunities ranging from healthcare (Community Pharmacy, Hospital Pharmacy, or Primary Care), industry (Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetics, or Food), service companies (CROs), health administration (Public Health), clinical analysis, teaching, and research and innovation (R&D&i).

Career opportunities of the Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy

  • Pharmaceutical care

  • Health administration

  • Public health

  • Pharmaceutical and other manufacturing industries

  • Pharmaceutical distribution

  • Dermopharmacy / cosmetics

  • Pharmaceutical marketing

  • Food industry

  • Clinical laboratories

In-company internship of the Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy

In the IQS-Blanquerna Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy, students engage in more than 1,000 hours of laboratory work starting in the very first year and, from the 4th year, the curriculum establishes the completion of external internships worth 36 ECTS.

External internships are the first contact students have with the labour market and are conducted across the different specialties of the profession. Moreover, a high percentage of graduates find work thanks to their internships.

Supervised practicums

The supervised practicums are divided into two subjects that students take separately: Supervised Practicum-I (12 ECTS) and Supervised Practicum-II (12 ECTS). To start the first practicum, a student must have passed a minimum of 198 ECTS.

The ordinary schedule for Supervised Practicum-II runs from 7 January to 5 April and the ordinary schedule for Supervised Practicum-I runs from 2 May to 31 July.

The objective of these practicums is for students to acquire the necessary training to carry out the specific activities of their profession in the field of pharmacy care. In accordance with current regulations, these practicums can be carried out in a community pharmacy open to the public and/or in a hospital under the supervision of the pharmacy service.

The joint oversight committee, formed by representatives from IQS and Blanquerna, the Department of Health, and the Board of the Association of Pharmacists of Catalonia, has prepared the document that establishes the organizational model as well as the teaching guide for the supervised practicums of the Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy.

Admissions process of the Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy

Apply for admission

To apply for admission to one of our bachelor’s degrees, you must submit various documents to us so we can assess your application. Create an account and sign in here. You must save and remember your username and password as they will enable you to continue the process you have started.

Documentation to upload

  • Valid ID/Passport
  • Passport-style photograph in colour with a white background in jpg format (176×220 pixels).

Students from the Spanish educational system:

  • Grades from your 1st year secondary school baccalaureate studies and completed grades from your 2nd year.
  • PAU exam grades (if you already have the results).
  • If you are studying an Advanced Vocational Education Cycle (CFGS): your updated academic transcripts.
  • If you have started a degree at another university: academic transcripts.

Students from outside the Spanish educational system:

  • Grades from your last two academic years prior to accessing university.
  • Credential granting you access to the Spanish university system issued by UNEDasiss or favourable decision approving your previous studies prior to accessing university.

Admissions test:

You must select the date to take the admissions test when making your application, based on the established calendar.

Pre-registration payment

During the process, you must pay a €125 administration and processing fee for your application. Payment can be made online by credit or debit card. This amount will be refunded only in the event that a student is not admitted to the studies, notwithstanding the right of withdrawal under the legally established terms.*

The ONLINE admissions test is a psychometric test and also includes an English level test that you must take regardless of whether or not you have an official language certificate.

Admissions tests will be sent by email at 3:30 pm (Spanish time) on the date you have selected. The duration of the test is approximately three hours and you have 24 hours to take the test: from 3:30 pm on the day the test begins until 3:30 pm the following day.

The Admissions Committee will decide on your admission based on your studies, academic results, and the admissions test. The Admissions Committee will inform you on your admission by email within a maximum period of 15 days from the date you took the admissions test (not counting holiday periods such as Christmas and Easter).

A student’s admission is conditional upon meeting the academic requirements necessary for accessing bachelor’s degree studies.

The pre-enrolment payment is mandatory and is the step that must be taken before the enrolment period opens, during which time students must formalize their enrolment.

Once admitted, you have a period of 2 weeks to make your pre-enrolment payment on the online pre-enrolment platform by credit or debit card. Otherwise, it will understood that the student is not interested in continuing with the process and their pre-enrolment will be cancelled.

Pre-enrolment does not entail an additional cost as the sum will be deducted from the total tuition fees when payment is made. The payment is only refunded in the event that a student does not meet the requirements to access studies at IQS (not having passed the PAU exams, not passing studies prior to accessing university, or not having obtained their student visa), notwithstanding the right of withdrawal under the legally established terms.*

Pre-enrolment tuition fee for the Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy: €6,705

The enrolment period will open starting the last week of June. Pre-enrolment only ensures that a student can enrol in a bachelor’s degree up to 15 days after the opening of the enrolment period. Otherwise, it will be understood that the student is not interested in continuing with the process.

We will send you an email with the credentials and instructions to proceed with your enrolment.

Scholarships and financial aid of the Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy

We offer various scholarships, with different conditions, for the Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy. For more information, please consult the admissions team.

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