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Research and transfer

Research at IQS

IQS promotes technological change through research, technological development and industrial innovation.

We put the knowledge and experience of professors and researchers in various scientific and industrial environments at the service of society.

  • 135 RDI conctracts with companies
  • 205 competitive RDI projects executed

research groups


doctoral thesis


priority patents filed


published scientific articles

Research groups

15 research groups at IQS

IQS lecturers and researchers are organised into research groups based on common interests in certain scientific fields. They work together on established research lines and also collaborate with external researchers from other universities, research centres and other entities or companies.

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Research projects

Projects that are being carried out at IQS

Scientific and technological research is one of the activities of IQS as a university centre. It is part of our mission to contribute to science and technology for the economic and social progress. Thus, we make our knowledge, experience, infrastructures and capacities available to society in order to develop RDI projects that allow us to generate new technologies, products and processes for industrial application to improve the level of sustainability, welfare and social prosperity.

Most of our research projects are funded by various public entities or private foundations.

Solutions for companies

Our commitment to companies

The consolidated collaboration of IQS with the industrial and business environment is materialised through the provision of technology and knowledge transfer services. With this type of solutions we aim to respond to their needs and technological challenges.

This collaboration is based on the scientific and technological knowledge of IQS professors and researchers, the potential of our facilities and equipment, but especially on the trust that our clients repose in the technical competence and quality of the services provided.

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We shape your future through innovation and experience