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Clàudia Gracia

Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing

Students have the opportunity to acquire fundamental theoretical knowledge in the field of marketing, as well as develop skills through projects and internships.

What would you highlight from the program?

The International Marketing program at IQS stands out for its comprehensive and practical approach. Students have the opportunity to acquire fundamental theoretical knowledge in the field of marketing, as well as develop practical skills through projects and internships. In addition, the program emphasizes the international perspective and provides students with a solid foundation in global trade issues and international marketing strategies. Classes are formed in small groups of a maximum of 30 students, which is very enriching for the students because of the close and attentive relationship formed with the professor.

This degree offers a double degree by studying abroad for a year or a year and a half, in the third or fourth year. Studying abroad gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in a different culture and develop a global perspective. This is critical in the field of international marketing, as it allows you to understand cultural differences, consumer behaviors and market trends in various countries. By living and studying in a foreign environment, you can gain a deeper understanding of how business is conducted and how marketing strategies are adapted to different cultural contexts.

By studying at two different universities, you have the opportunity to benefit from the unique academic expertise and educational approaches of each institution. This broadens perspectives and provides a more complete view of the international marketing field. In addition, by being exposed to different teaching methods and educational approaches, you develop critical thinking skills and creativity that help you approach marketing challenges from a variety of perspectives.

A dual degree that includes studying abroad helps you stand out in the job market. Employers value candidates with international experience, as they demonstrate skills such as adaptability, flexibility, cultural awareness and language competencies. By having a dual degree and having studied abroad, you present yourself as a candidate with a strong background and a global mindset, which can increase your employment opportunities both domestically and internationally.

Why did you choose IQS?

I chose IQS because it is recognized as one of the leading educational institutions in the field of chemistry, engineering and business in Barcelona. Also because it offers a high quality learning environment, with expert professors and modern resources. In addition, IQS’s reputation in the field of education and its connection to industry gave me the confidence that I would receive a solid and relevant education for my future career.

What skills are you acquiring through this degree?

Through the International Marketing program at IQS, I have acquired several competencies that are essential in the field of global marketing. Some of these competencies include the ability to analyze international markets, develop marketing strategies adapted to different cultures and contexts, understand and use digital tools for the promotion of products and services, and work in multidisciplinary teams to address complex business challenges.

What would you tell a student who wants to study at IQS?

To a student who wants to study at IQS I would say that it is an excellent choice for those interested in acquiring a quality education in the field of chemistry, engineering or business, and especially to those who want to keep up with new technologies and business advances. IQS offers rigorous academic programs, highly qualified professors and a wide network of business contacts. In addition, IQS is in a prime location in Barcelona, providing students with numerous opportunities for personal and professional development. If you are looking for a solid education and a stimulating environment for your growth, IQS is definitely a great choice!