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Clara Hierro

Bachelor’s Degree in International Business

It is a very transversal degree that allows you to touch many areas of business and offers many international opportunities.

What would you highlight from the program?

What I would highlight most about the program is undoubtedly the international opportunities offered. My degree in particular consists of studying 2 of the 4 years abroad (one year in Paris and the other in Sheffield). I would also highlight that it is a very transversal degree that allows you to touch many areas of the company, this allows you to see and experience a great working environment. Finally, I would highlight the speakers and guests that we have throughout the course, many of them are alumni of the university IQS, who explain their experience in the working world and give us tips to improve.

Why did you choose IQS?

I chose IQS for several reasons. First of all, because of this great opportunity for academic exchange, in addition to the large number of agreements that the university has with other centers around the world.

Secondly, I was very impressed by the good reputation of IQS, since most students leave prepared for the future and have easy access to the business world.

Finally, the large number of agreements they have. IQS collaborates with small and large companies that offer you the possibility of working with them, something that motivated me to grow in my professional career.

What skills are you acquiring through this degree?

Above all, public speaking. A large part of the subjects consists of making oral presentations in front of the entire class, so it helps a lot to gain fluency and tools to improve your public speaking. Currently, I am acquiring skills such as organization and responsibility when working as a team.

What would you say to a student who wants to study at IQS?

I would tell a future student to take advantage of all the opportunities that IQS can offer, to socialize, not to be afraid of making friends with international students and to enjoy the university experience.

Tell me about living in Barcelona

I am passionate about Barcelona, I have lived there my whole life. I increasingly realize the many opportunities that young people have in this city. Barcelona is a city that combines history, culture, impressive architecture and lively urban life. Its unique charm and wide variety make it an attractive place to visit or live.