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Master’s Degree in Accounting, Data Analytics and ESG Reporting

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The Master in Accounting, Data Analytics and ESG Reporting is based on a solid advanced accounting foundation, which includes areas such as corporate accounting, consolidation, taxation and management control.

The Master integrates the generation and analysis of data provided by the company’s internal information systems for the processing of information. On the other hand, it trains in technologies that allow an adequate presentation of the results obtained to facilitate decision-making.

Additionally, it is necessary to prepare new accountants for the preparation of the sustainability report. An emerging field that is mandatory for the profession and in which the Master provides training. Data analysis and visualization will also help in the correct presentation of this information on sustainability. The integration of these two fields in the Master (data analytics and sustainability report) from an accounting perspective responds to the new demand for professionals in this area.

Key information of the Master’s Degree in Accounting, Data Analytics and ESG Reporting


1 academic year


60 ECTS Credits


October 2025


Monday to Friday from 17:00 to 21:00 h




Continuing education

Why study the Master’s Degree in Accounting, Data Analytics and ESG Reporting at IQS?

Advanced training in accounting.

Up-to-date information based on the latest regulations for the preparation of the Sustainability Report.

Practical use of techniques and software for data processing and presentation (Power BI, Tableau…).

Paid internships in companies.

Subject ECTS
Corporate Operations and Business Combinations (Compulsory) 6
Financial Accounting and Corporate Taxation (Compulsory) 6
Accounting for Financial Instruments and Current Asset Management (Compulsory) 6
Budgetary, Management and Risk Control (Compulsory) 6
Subject ECTS
Data Analytics and Big Data in Accounting and Finance (I) (Compulsory) 6
Data Visualization and Balanced Scorecard (Optional) 6
Data Analytics and Big Data in Accounting and Finance (II) (Optional) 6
Subject ECTS
Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting (ESG) (Compulsory) 6
Integration of Financial Information and Sustainability (Optional) 6
Sustainable Finance (Optional) 6
Subject ECTS
External Practice 6
Subject ECTS
Master's Thesis 6

*The students must choose 12 ECTS credits from optional subjects.

Career opportunities of the Master’s Degree

  • Accounting/financial departments of companies from all sectors.

  • Environmental consulting/advisory firms.

  • Consulting/advisory firms in accounting processes.

Professional career opportunities for the profile of the Master’s in Accounting, Data Analytics, and ESG Reporting

  • Typical career opportunities in the accounting field within accounting/financial departments in companies across any sector. Due to their specialization, new types of positions would be added to these departments:
    • Financial and ESG Reporting Analyst. Preparation of financial and sustainability (ESG) reports based on current regulations.
    • Sustainability Accounting Specialist. Detailed accounting of the company’s sustainable practices and quantification of their cost-benefit financial impact.
    • Compliance and Sustainability Auditor. Reviews business practices and financial reports to identify and mitigate ESG risks.
    • Sustainable Finance Consultant. Advises companies on the integration of sustainability into accounting and financial practices.
    • ESG Risk Manager. Analysis of environmental impact, corporate social responsibility and governance compliance.
    • Data Analyst or Data Scientist specialized in ESG.
    • Financial Controller with a Focus on Data Processing. Prepares and analyzes accounting reports with the latest analysis and visualization tools.
    • Developer of ESG indicators and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) of sustainability.

Internships of the Master’s in Accounting, Data Analytics, and ESG Reporting

In the Master’s Degree in Auditing and Management Control, in-company internships are mandatory and can be full-time or part-time. The curriculum is easily compatible with internships.

Internships are mandatory. These are some of the companies with which the Careers Department collaborates when seeking accounting/financial internships for our students in the different IQS programs: Mazars Servicios Profesionales, Grant Thornton Advisory, EY Transforma Servicios De Consultoría, S.L. y Worsley Acceleration Services.

  • Internships represent an initial contact with the labour market
  • They guide students based on their professional interests
  • They offer a real opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge and skills acquired
  • They make it possible to find a job
  • They distinguish a graduate’s curriculum vitae
IQS Careers

Master’s admission requirements

An university degree is required, preferably in the following fields:

  • Business Administration and Management
  • Economics
  • Finance and Accounting

In the case of graduates from degrees with little affinity with any of the areas of the master’s degree, students will have to take additional training courses at IQS one month before starting the master’s program.

IQS is strongly committed to quality and has different processes in place to ensure ongoing improvement through the IQS School of Management Quality Committee.

IQS is accredited by the AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, USA), the leading international accreditation entity for studies in the areas of business and accounting. The Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral studies at the IQS School of Management hold this accreditation and international recognition.

AACSB accreditation for all IQS School of Management studies.

More information

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La finalidad del tratamiento es la gestión de su solicitud y el envío de comunicaciones informativas de nuestras actividades. 
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