Interlaboratory Exercises (Nuclear Power Plants)
Interlaboratory exercises on water samples, where the different participants independently analyse the same prepared sample under the coordination of an organisation, which is also responsible for collecting the results and analysing them statistically. The final objective is to perform a quality control of each laboratory's work, evaluating their methods of analysis, equipment and personnel.

Consolidated experience in the organisation of interlaboratory exercises on water analysis
Operation model
- Test samples are prepared in IQS, who guarantees sample batch homogeneity and stability, and sent to each participant.
- Parameters to be analysed are content of boron, lithium, fluorine, chloride, sulphate, silicate, ammonium, sodium, copper and iron.
- Each laboratory receives a 4-digit secret code to uniquely and privately identify its results.
- Two exercises per year are progammed (April and October), with two lots of samples in each round.
- Statistical treatment of results is done according to ISO 13528:2005 “statistical methods for use in proficency testing by inter-laboratory comparisons”.
- Detailed results for each sample and parameter are delivered to each participant in form of tables and graphics.
- Participation is open to nuclear power plants laboratories and similar.
- 64 Laboratories from 44 European nuclear power plants have participated in these exercices over the last 10 years.
Find out more
- Please visit our website:
- Administrative & technical contact: Núria Vallmitjana Palau, PhD (
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Research Groups

ADAMIQS – Applied Data Analytics and Modeling IQS
The goal of this group is the application of data analytics and modeling techniques to the different areas of expertise of IQS (i.e. biosciences, engineering and social sciences) and the teaching of these techniques in higher education.

EQBA – Electrochemistry and Bioanalysis Group
The group's activity is structured around the different analytical, spectrometric, chromatographic, electrochemical and optical techniques, both in their application and development.