Environment, sustainability and energy
Environmental analysis services in accordance with the legal requirements, as well as environmental engineering and sustainability projects, to respond to current challenges.

Our professionals and resources guarantee the highest quality of our services
Environmental analysis
- Atmospheric emissions and immissions
- Vegetation, soils, ashes
- Waste, water and leachate
Pollutant monitoring
- Persistent organic pollutants: PCDD/F, PCBs, PBDEs and PAH
- Emerging organic contaminants: Pharmaceuticals, cyanotoxins (microcystins, anatoxins, etc.), PFAS, and pesticides
Environmental safety
- Environmental safety consultancy
- Life cycle and sustainability analysis of products and processes
- Environmental contamination treatment processes
- Analysis of water contaminants, including cyanotoxins
Waste management solutions
- Optimisation of advanced oxidation and CO2 treatment processes
- Application of bioprocesses for waste utilisation
- Industrial projects for waste minimisation and waste treatment
- Recovery of organic mineral waste
Water treatment solutions
- Wastewater and process water treatment processes
- Evaluation of toxins in water sources to ensure quality and safety
- Use of sustainable gases and technologies for pollutant reduction
- Water potabilisation: reverse osmosis desalination, biofouling and chemical fouling
- Production of solar fuels (photofuel)
- Modelling and experimentation with materials for CO2 capture, ionic gas separation and clean energies
- Smart grids in non-conventional systems (wind and photovoltaic power plants)
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