Characterization of Compounds by NMR
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a non-destructive, non-invasive, versatile and quantitative analytical technique that allows the analysis of molecular structures with atomic resolution by providing details on their composition, structure, dynamic processes and chemical reactions.

Structural elucidation of organic compounds, pharmaceuticals and natural products. Development and application of new NMR methodologies.
The service has highly trained staff with a large experience in the study of molecular structures by NMR. Business Services:
- Elucidation and structural characterization of organic molecules of synthetic origin, complex molecules, compounds of biological interest, pharmaceutical compounds, and natural products.
- Advanced experiments for the study of oligopeptides and peptides (<10 KDa).
- Conformational studies and nucleic acid characterization.
- Analysis of complex mixtures, including diffusion experiments.
- Analysis of minor compounds through quantitative studies.
- Dynamic and kinetic process studies (reaction monitoring).
- Relaxation experiments.
- Protein-ligand (small molecule) interaction studies via STD NMR.
- Solid-state NMR experiments (polymers, heterogeneous samples, etc).
- Data analysis and interpretation.
ISO 9001 Certification
IQS is certified by AENOR according to the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard for the Design and execution of research, development and technological innovation projects and services, as well as the performance of chemical, physicochemical, biological and mechanical analyses, the provision of scientific and technological consultancy services in the following sectors: environmental, human and animal food products, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, phytosanitary products, basic and speciality chemistry products and chemical, biotechnological and industrial processes. (ER-0992/2000 IQS).
Related facilities
Research Groups

CRISOL – Chemical Reactions for Innovative Solutions
CRISOL is a powerful team capable of offering innovative chemical tools that make it real solutions to the challenges of Molecular Science, a discipline that is at the heart of key activities for Society, such as Medicinal and Process Chemistry, or Materials Science.

GQF – Pharmaceutical Chemistry Group
The GQF group research focuses on two main areas: 1) The Pharmaceutical Chemistry Unit (new drugs)2) The Continuous Chemical Processes Unit