Bioscience solutions
We are specialists in industrial biotechnology. We are focused on the different segments that innovate in biotechnology: pharmaceutical, chemical, energy, agri-food, diagnostics, food and cosmetics. We have multidisciplinary research groups in the areas of biotechnology, pharmacy and chemistry.

Our bioscience solutions cover a wide range of services
Analysis and characterization
- Enzyme and inhibitory activity
- Characterization of proteins and peptides
- Molecular weight distribution
Bioprocesses and fermentations
- Bioinformatics and molecular modeling
- Bioprocess and bioreactor optimization
- Isolation of products by bioseparation
- Fermentation with microorganisms
- Flux Balance Analysis of bacteria, yeast and microalgae
Protein engineering
- Enzyme redesign by protein engineering
- Enzyme biocatalysis
- Expression of recombinant proteins and metabolites
Tissue engineering
- 2-D and 3-D mammalian cell culture platforms
- Cell growth
- Biomarker detection
- Haemodynamic environment in vascular functionality
- Development, synthesis and characterization of functionalized biomaterials and biopolymers
- Design of biomimetic surfaces with cell signaling
- Nucleic acid transport and delivery systems for gene and cell therapy
- Design and synthesis of biocompatible, biodegradable and biologically responsive materials
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Related facilities
Research Groups

GQBB – Biological and Biotechnological Chemistry
The GQBB group (Biological and Biotechnological Chemistry Group) conducts its activity in three main areas: identification and molecular analysis of proteins and enzymes, their use as therapeutic targets and design and applications of enzymes in biocatalysis and biotechnology in microorganisms.

GEMAT – Materials Engineering
The GEMAT group (Materials Engineering Group) conducts its activity in three main areas: the development of new functional materials, surface engineering and biomaterials.

GEVAB – Vascular Engineering and Applied Biomedicine Group
The GEVAB group develops its activity in two main areas: the development of biomaterials to treat vascular pathologies and the study of other clinical needs, integrating knowledge from medicine, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and computing.