Research projects
Scientific and technological research is one of the activities of IQS as a university centre. It is part of our mission to contribute to science and technology for the economic and social progress. Thus, we make our knowledge, experience, infrastructures and capacities available to society in order to develop RDI projects that allow us to generate new technologies, products and processes for industrial application to improve the level of sustainability, welfare and social prosperity.

Most of our research projects are funded by various public entities or private foundations. Some are carried out individually, although collaborative projects with other entities such as companies, hospitals, research centres and other universities, both in our immediate geographical environment and internationally, are more common.
Active research groups
Competitive R+D+I projects executed
Publications (WOS+SCOPUS)
Competitive R+D+I projects income
Project browser
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PLUNGEMED (Pluriversal energy justice in the Mediterranean Area)

ALL-TARGET (Precision medicine randomized trial for patients with relapsed or refractory T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia based on a functional approach)

CHIMERNA (Cancer therapy hub based on smart nanoparticles for in situ Immune cell Engineering with mRNA)

OBGate (Creating an orthogonal gate to the brain)

Chemphot (chemistry of photons: from photobiology to optical matter)

REJUVEN8 (Turning back the healing clock)

M-AD-NESS (Development of Dual Anaerobic Bioelectrochemical Digesters: an innovative solution for in-situ biomethane production from wastewater sludge)

CHEMIPARK (Monitoring environmental pollutants and toxins)

RE(F)CICLA (Recovery and reuse of fluorinated gases using new circular economy approaches)

SMEDs (Development of smart membrane-bound and extracellular protein degraders)
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