The group’s activity is structured around the different analytical, spectrometric, chromatographic, electrochemical and optical techniques, both in their application and development.
The group’s most outstanding activities are the development of different types of sensors, the study of nano-structured materials and their environmental applications and the study of pollutants and impurities in environmental, pharmaceutical and food matrices.
In this environment, EQBA carries out its RD and technology transfer activities in the following areas:
- Quality control of raw materials and finished product
- Chemical composition
- Physical and physico-chemical properties
- Thermal analysis for material characterisation
- Liquid chromatography (HPLC, UPLC) with UV, diode array (DAD), fluorescence, refractive index (RI), conductimetric and mass spectrometer (MS) detectors
- Gas chromatography with capillary columns (HRGC) and packed columns (GC) and FID, ECD, TCD, FPD, NPD, TEA and MS detectors
- Atomic absorption spectrophotometry – flame; atomic absorption – graphite furnace; atomic absorption – FIAS/FIMS
- Atomic Emission Spectrometry OES-ICP
- Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer ICP-MS
- Scanning Electron Microscopy
- EDS Microanalysis
- Electrochemical interfaces: potentiostats, galvanostats, frequency response analysers (FRA)


Jordi Abellà Iglesias, PhD
Department of Analytical and Applied Chemistry

Margalida Artigues Cladera, PhD
IQS Tech Transfer

Sergi Colominas Fuster, PhD
Department of Analytical and Applied Chemistry

Esther González Menéndez
IQS Tech Transfer

Ariadna Verdaguer Ferrer, PhD
Department of Analytical and Applied Chemistry