The Research Group Consumer Behavior Perspectives (CONHATIVE), is an IQS research group that has been recognized as a consolidated research group, by AGAUR (Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca, Generalitat de Catalunya) in 2021.
CONHATIVE’s research focuses on the analysis of consumer behavior in consumer contexts, such as services, e-commerce, adoption of new technologies, sport, cultural heritage, tourism, retailing and impact of corporate tax policies on consumers.
In this environment CONHATIVE provides the following consulting and RD services:
- Consumer behavior both in offline and digital environments
- Services and tourism marketing
- Purchasing behavior through ICTs
- Adoption of new technologies
- The effects of participation on social networks
- Fiscal aggressiveness and consumers

Ramon Palau Saumell, PhD
Department of Business Management

Mª Belén Derqui Zaragoza, PhD
Dean's Office of the IQS School of Management and Department of Business Management

Irene Garnelo Gómez, PhD
Department of Business Management

Noelia Jiménez-Asenjo de Pedro, PhD
Department of Business Management

Jorge Matute Vallejo, PhD
Department of Business Management

Jan-Hinrich Meyer, PhD
Department of Business Management

Jose Luis Sánchez Torelló, PhD
Department of Business Management