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CONHATIVE – Consumer Behavior Perspectives

2021 SGR 00318


The Research Group Consumer Behavior Perspectives (CONHATIVE), is an IQS research group that has been recognized as a consolidated research group, by AGAUR (Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca, Generalitat de Catalunya) in 2021.

CONHATIVE’s research focuses on the analysis of consumer behavior in consumer contexts, such as services, e-commerce, adoption of new technologies, sport, cultural heritage, tourism, retailing and impact of corporate tax policies on consumers.

In this environment CONHATIVE provides the following consulting and RD services:

  • Consumer behavior both in offline and digital environments
  • Services and tourism marketing
  • Purchasing behavior through ICTs
  • Adoption of new technologies
  • The effects of participation on social networks
  • Fiscal aggressiveness and consumers