AppLightChem – Applied Photobiological Chemistry
2021 SGR 01023


AppLightChem is a research group that specializes in the biomedical applications and chemical aspects of photonics. It focuses its research and transfer activities on solar photoprotection, cancer photochemotherapy, photoantimicrobial therapies and fluorescence imaging. AppLightChem develops advanced chemical technologies for photoprotection, diagnosis and treatment of diseases with light-activated drugs.
The group is an international leader in its field and has a significant number of international and corporate collaborations. It has been recognised by AGAUR as a Consolidated Research Group since 2021.
In this environment, AppLightChem carries out its RD and technology transfer activities on the following areas:
- Biological photochemistry
- Photofunctional molecules and nanomaterials
- New strategies in antimicrobial photodynamic therapy: genetically encoded photosensitisers, peptide-photosensitiser conjugates and multi-cationic photosensitisers
- Photodynamic therapy and theragnostic applications of light
- New strategies in singlet oxygen detection using fluorescence probes
- Photoprotective solar filters
- Photoelectrochemistry of nanostructured semiconductive electrodes

External collaborators
Giovanni Romano, PhD
Università degli Studi di FirenzeNelly Henry, PhD
Sorbonne Université, Campus Pierre et Marie CurieEmilio Palomares, PhD
Institut Català d’Investigació Química (ICIQ)Elena Reddi, PhD
Università di PadovaKaras Kadioglu, PhD
Liverpool UniversityGlyn Taylor, PhD
Cardiff Scintigraphics Limited (i2c)