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Ramon Llull University (URL) Celebrates Its Thirtieth Anniversary

27 May 2021

A IQS ens sentim orgullosos de formar part del projecte de la URL, que durant aquests 30 anys ens ha permès créixer i consolidar-nos ampliant el ventall de titulacions i posicionant la nostra recerca a nivell internacional amb projectes capdavanters i col·laboracions arreu del món.

On 10 May 1991, the proposal to create Ramon Llull University was unanimously approved by the Parliament of Catalonia, under Law 12/1991, published in the Official Gazette of the Government of Catalonia (DOGC).

At the time, the URL was the first non-profit university with a social mission in Spain, as part of the framework of the University Reform Act (LRU).

Currently, the URL comprises 10 institutions and 1 affiliated centre that offer 120 official degrees (bachelor's degrees, master’s degrees, and doctoral programmes) which enjoy broad recognition and international renown for the more than 20,000 students enrolled in the last academic year.

Three decades after its creation, the more than 100,000 graduates from the URL form part of the success of this innovative project, which is based on education focused on training people and a profound sense of professional ethics.

The University’s commitment to society has also stood out over 30 years, with scientific research and technology and knowledge transfer activities carried out by professors and researchers to provide responses to the needs of this globalised world.

At IQS, as a founding member of the URL, we are proud of the project’s success which has allowed us to grow and solidify ourselves not only by expanding the range of degrees we offer, but also positioning our research internationally with leading projects and partnerships around the world. IQS has always featured unique and ongoing collaboration with companies in our surroundings through participation in their research projects, an activity that has become reinforced and diversified with the new areas of knowledge that form part of the current IQS ecosystem.

Dr Núria Vallmitjana
Director of IQS Tech Transfer