The New IQS Identity and Mission and Vocational Culture Group Launches

On 23 November, the first meeting of the new Identity and Mission and Vocational Culture group was held, coordinated by Dr Oriol Quintana, IQS Identity and Mission representative.
On 23 November, the first meeting of the new Identity and Mission and Vocational Culture group was held, coordinated by Dr Oriol Quintana, IQS Identity and Mission representative.
The creation of the new team addresses several objectives: to support the organization and monitoring of activities carried out in the field of Identity and Mission; to differentiate the academic tasks carried out by the Department of Ethics, to which some of its members belong, concerning actions that fall within the field of Identity and Mission; to improve the internal dissemination of Identity and Mission and Vocational Culture initiatives that are carried out at IQS; and to give visibility to the university's commitment with regard to Identity and Mission and Vocational Culture.
The members of the new team belong to different departments within IQS: Luisa Borondo (Organization and People), Marc García (Student Life), Olga Carreño (Corporate Communications and Marketing), Dr Llorenç Puig, SJ, Dr Xavier Casanovas, Dr Oriol Quintana, and Dr Paola Raffaelli (Department of Ethics and Christian Thought). The group is rounded out by Gabriela Leal, a specialist in Identity and Mission.
During the first meeting, the participants shared their thoughts upon reading the document For whom am I? Towards a vocational culture in our institutions and communities, edited by the Society of Jesus, which will continue to be studied during future sessions. In addition, the main Identity and Mission activities that will unfold in upcoming weeks at IQS were listed and reviewed. The new team thus began its journey, excited by the challenge of spreading a vocational culture at IQS and working towards the common mission entrusted to the institutions of the Society of Jesus.