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Dr. Marçal Gallemí, researcher with the Biological and Biotechnological Chemistry Group

Interviews 11 July 2023

Dr Marçal Gallemí, researcher with the Biological and Biotechnological Chemistry Group (GQBB)

Dr Marçal Gallemí, researcher with the Biological and Biotechnological Chemistry Group (GQBB)


1. What do you like most about your job?

I always enjoy learning new things and how we often learn them as a result of teamwork or collaboration.

2. What would you like to spend more time doing?

Everything that I do! There's never enough time. To be more concrete, maybe doing sports.

3. What are you proudest of?

Everything and nothing in particular. Maybe it sounds typical, but I would say I'm proudest of my family. Being a father of two girls is one of the things that makes me happiest.

4. What value do you appreciate most in people?

A sense of humour and optimism. People who keep a smile all day long are admirable.

5. Where's a place you'd like to visit?

Any place where there aren't too many people or too much traffic, possibly in the mountains. A nice forest or a cool stream always refresh the body and mind.

6. What's a dream you'd like to pursue?

Hmm, this one's tough! Being able to see the Capgrossos of Mataró perform a 10-level human castle – and even better if I can participate!

7. What do you have left to learn?

Obviously, everything I don't know… which is plenty! In terms of work, it couldn't hurt me to learn a little more about statistics and R programming.