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Antoni Planas Sauter, PhD

Head of GQBB Group - Professor - Fellow of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona

Department of Bioengineering


PhD in Chemical Engineering (IQS, 1987)
Degree in Chemical Engineering (IQS, 1982)
Degree in Biochemistry (UAB, 1987)
Postdoctoral fellow in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (University of California, Berkeley, 1988-1989)


Research Associate (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 1990-1992)
Professor at IQS since 1993.
Visiting Professor: Univ. of California, Berkeley (1992) / University of Antioquia, Colombia (1997 and 2006) / INSA, Toulouse, France (2005) / Univ. of Connecticut, USA (2017-18).
Professor (2003-),
Head of the Bioengineering Department (2007-2018)
Head of the Biochemistry Laboratory (1993-)
Coordinator of the Biological Chemistry and Biotechnology Group (GQBB, 1999-)
President, Grupo Especializado de Hidratos de Carbono, Real Sociedad Española de Química (2021-)
Board member, Division of Chemistry in Life Sciences, European Chemical Society (EuChemS) (2020-)
Board member, European Carbohydrate Organization, Spanish representative (2015-)
President, European Carbohydrate Organization (2017-2019)
Elected academic fellow of the Reial Acadèmia de Cièncias i Arts de Barcelona (2019-)
Emyl Fischer Award 2013 by the European Carbohydrate Organization

Research lines

  • Protein engineering and enzymology of glycosidases, glycosyltransferases and carbohydrate esterases.
  • Therapeutic targets in infectious diseases
  • Biocatalysis: enzyme re-engineering, directed enzyme evolution
  • Genetic and metabolic engineering in bacteria, yeast and microalgae
  • Amyloid proteins in neurodegenerative diseases




Research projects