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Dual Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management and Marketing


The possibility of earning two official bachelor’s degrees, both studied jointly, provides students with excellent preparation to take on the tourism, hospitality, and leisure sector along with solid knowledge of how to manage a company’s marketing department.

The dual degree offers a more complete education and multiplies a student’s job opportunities upon graduation in a highly competitive context in which further preparation is essential. With this dual degree you will benefit from a comprehensive education in tourism and marketing, two complementary disciplines that offer students a wide range of professional opportunities.

The distribution of the class schedules makes it possible for students to easily fit in all subjects.

See the curriculum here

Key information of the Dual Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management and Marketing


5 academic years 306 ECTS credits




September 2025


September to June


Official degree

Why study a Dual Bachelor’s Degree at IQS?

More and better career opportunities

Boost your employability with better qualification and professional positioning

You’ll study two bachelor’s degrees simultaneously

Programmes aimed at creating and managing companies


Management laboratories with cutting-edge technology.

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