GEVAB – Vascular Engineering and Applied Biomedicine Group
2021 SGR 00524


The GEVAB group develops its activity in two main areas: the development of biomaterials to treat vascular pathologies and the study of other clinical needs, integrating knowledge from medicine, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and computing.
The GEVAB group has been recognised by AGAUR as a Consolidated Research Group since 2021.
GEVAB mainly studies vascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis or aneurysms. At the same time, it devotes its efforts to understanding the interaction between blood vessels and the organs they feed, as in the case of the blood-brain barrier. The main strategic objectives of the group are to establish a continuous dialogue between its researchers so that clinical needs can guide the elucidation of the fundamental mechanisms of vascular disease, to enable the findings of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of the disease to be used to change medical practices, and, finally, to exchange researchers, technologies, and experience with the group’s network of international partners to ensure that the knowledge developed in Barcelona is applicable and implementable elsewhere.
In this environment, GEVAB carries out its R&D and technology transfer activities in the following areas:
- Development of biomaterials for scaffolds
- Development of bioabsorbable biomimetic adhesive patches
- Interaction between blood vessels and the corresponding recieving organs (BBB)
- Development of drug delivery systems
- Solutions in the medical biotechnology industry (medical and pharmaceutical accessories)
- Development of materials to treat arteriosclerosis and aneurysms