IQS has once again taken part in the activities organized as part of the Science Week celebration in Catalonia, now in its 29th edition, which took place between 8 and 17 November seeking to promote interest in and knowledge about science.
"The Magic of Chemistry," a Leading IQS Activities Event During Science Week

One of the most popular activities for high school students was the demonstration and show called “The Magic of Chemistry” that was offered again this year after a break in previous years. The session was held on 12 November and led by Dr Santi Nonell, an IQS Professor with the Department of Analytical and Applied Chemistry, together with a group of collaborators from the same department.
In addition to “The Magic of Chemistry,” two other shows and demonstrations found a great deal of success “Colder than ice: demonstrations with liquid nitrogen,” by Dr Carlos Colominas, professor with the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, given on 11 November, and the conference “The gene therapy revolution: a new horizon in the care of genetic diseases,” by Dr Marta Guerra, IQS Professor with the Department of Bioengineering, given on 14 November.
In this year’s edition, the activities organized at the IQS campus featured participation by nearly 400 students from high schools throughout Catalonia. Specifically, students from the following Secondary Schools and Vocational Cycle Centres in Barcelona attended: Abad Oliba-Loreto, Canigó, Colegio Japonés, IPSE, Pérez Iborra, Pía Sarrià-Calassanç, Granés, Inmaculada Concepción, Jesuïtes Casp, Jesuïtes Sarrià-San Ignasi, Jesús María, La Salle Bonanova, La Salle Congrés, Maristes Anna Ravell, Pau Casals, Padre Damián-Sagrados Corazones, Sagrada Familia – Horta, Sagrado Corazón – Corazonistas, Salessians de Sarrià, Manyanet-Sant Andreu, Stucom, Vedruna Gràcia, and Virolai, along with students from elsewhere in Catalonia: Jesuïtes Bellvitge (Hospitalet de Llobregat), Pineda (Hospitalet de Llobregat), Sagrada Familia (Gavà), Pía de Terrassa, Pía de Igualada, GEM (Mataró), IES Baix Penedés (El Vendrell), IES Egara (Terrassa), IES El Til.ler (Corró de Vall), IES Maria de Belloch (Bigues i Riells), La Presentación (Arenys de Mar), Vedruna Vall (Terrassa), and Viaró Global School (Sant Cugat Vallès).
Science Week is coordinated by the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation and is supported by the Government of Catalonia’s Department of Economy and Knowledge and featured collaboration from more than a hundred institutions and entities that make up the Catalan Research and Innovation System, which includes Ramon Llull University (URL).