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The Symbiosis between Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Living Headlines the Latest IQS Tech Factory Talk

28 March 2023

Entrepreneurship to support a healthy and sustainable lifestyle as an aspect of ethics was the central axis of the latest IQS Tech Factory Talk, which took place on 7 March at the Teatro Sarriá and was led by three women entrepreneurs who explained their personal and professional experience.

Entrepreneurship to support a healthy and sustainable lifestyle as an aspect of ethics was the central axis of the latest IQS Tech Factory Talk, which took place on 7 March at the Teatro Sarriá and was led by three women entrepreneurs who explained their personal and professional experience.

Chloé Sucrée (@beingbiotiful), Mònica Valls (@thewellco._), and Valentina Garí (@valentinagari) exemplify the symbiosis between entrepreneurship and sustainable living, taking into account the balance that each of them has experienced in their process of making their passion their profession.

With this in mind, the participants talked about the entrepreneurship process, its challenges and benefits, and how to manage a company and an online community. All three agreed about the difficulties they sometimes face in disconnecting and distancing themselves from their companies since they are their own brand.

Focused on healthy eating, Chloé Sucrée created her company six years ago following some health issues. What started as a hobby turned it into her work, and she has now published several books and a mobile app in which she shares recipes and weekly menus. “Entrepreneurship has enabled me to dedicate myself to what I love the most, even though sometimes the path of an entrepreneur is frustrating and can cause burnout.”

Regarding social networks, her community on Instagram is very important and implies a great deal of dedication: “You can lose followers or your presence on social media even if you disconnect for just a few days.”

Valentina Garí launched her own clothing brand after working for a fashion company: “For me, being an entrepreneur has meant creating my own brand, which bears my name.” In this sense, she pointed out that entrepreneurs must be passionate about their product, be perseverant, separate their professional from their personal life, and that it's “incredibly important to follow your instinct.” Unlike the other two entrepreneurs, she relies on a team of people who make and produce her brand's clothing: “it's essential to be really careful about the staff that works for you because, in the end, they are ambassadors for your brand.”

Mònica Valls began her entrepreneurial journey during the pandemic when the wellness centre at the hotel where she worked closed. As a result, she launched her business which offers wellness programmes and yoga retreats, although she now focuses more on offering teambuilding services for companies. “For me, being an entrepreneur has been quite an adventure. Despite complicated and challenging moments, it has rewarded me because I can balance work and family and because I dedicate myself to what I am really passionate about.”

The aim of IQS Tech Factory Talks is to showcase new actions that promote entrepreneurship and innovation among our community. The first talk that inaugurated the cycle was led by Vicio, and focused on their marketing strategy. It will continue with Nnergix, “From the idea to selling the company,” and Decowood, “The solvent startup from day one.”