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Ricard Santomà: "Soft Skills are what let professionals stand out in our sector"

15 September 2021

“Soft skills are what let students and future professionals stand out in our sector”, announced Ricard Santomà, dean of HTSI. He did so in the webinar “El futuro de la educación en turismo y hotelería”. (The future of education in tourism and hospitality).

“Soft skills are what let students and future professionals stand out in our sector”, announced Ricard Santomà, dean of the School of Tourism and Hospitality Management Sant Ignasi. He did so in the webinar “El futuro de la educación en turismo y hotelería”. (The future of education in tourism and hospitality).

Organized by Turijobs to mark International Tourism Day, the event also included speakers from a number of other schools of tourism.

Santomà predicted that companies will pay more and more attention to skills related to personnel development, like teamwork, adaptability or planning for uncertain circumstances. “When our students finish their studies, their jobs will involve things that don’t yet exist”, announced the Dean of HTSI.

With this in mind, the Bachelor’s Degree in Innovation and Designing Experiences allows students to expand their skill development in “uncertain circumstances and rapidly changing settings.”

“If you study tourism, you’re dedicating yourself to an exciting, strategic sector. We’re going to need the best professionals to keep the world turning”, Santomà noted, concurring with the other lecturers.

Along these lines, the Dean of the School of Tourism concluded by emphasizing the importance of collaboration among schools of tourism, businesses and professionals from the sector: “as a destination ranked 2nd in the world, we need to play a leading role. It’s essential that we work together to sustain this strength, this potential.”