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Manifesto of support for the TECNIO transfer model

Research 2 November 2023

The manifesto of support for the TECNIO transfer model by industry has been drafted with the aim of gathering support from the economic and industrial sectors to highlight that our contribution is essential to boost innovation and growth in Spain.

IQS professors and researchers are organized into research groups that address common interests in different scientific fields. They work together on established lines of research and also collaborate with external researchers from other universities, research centres, and entities or companies.

IQS is home to a total of 15 research groups, of which 14 have the SGR – Cat 2021 recognition from the Government of Catalonia through the Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR). In addition, the researchers that form part of the research groups at the IQS School of Engineering also form part of the IQS Tech Transfer – URL Group, which has the TECNIO seal, a recognition by the Agency for Business Competitiveness (ACCIÓ) under the Government of Catalonia which identifies entities that produce difference-making technology and participate in the process of technology and knowledge transfer.

From the TECNIO Association, of which IQS is a member, we are contacting you with the purpose of seeking your support to launch an initiative that consists of distributing and advertising a Manifesto of support for the TECNIO transfer model by industry.

This document has been drafted with the aim of gathering support from the economic and industrial sectors to highlight that our contribution is essential to boost innovation and economic growth in Spain and to make it reach the representatives of the Government of Catalonia.

Therefore, I kindly ask you to consider giving us your support by joining this manifesto. All you need to do is fill out a simple form found at this link.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Dr Nuria Vallmitjana

Director of IQS Tech Transfer