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Launch of the IQS Community this Academic Year

Chair of Ethics 11 October 2023

On 29 September, the IQS Community (formerly Loyola Fridays) held its first meeting of the 2023-24 academic year to reflect on the theme “Artificial Intelligence and Spirituality.”

On 29 September, the IQS Community (formerly Loyola Fridays) held its first meeting of the 2023-24 academic year to reflect on the theme "Artificial Intelligence and Spirituality." The event was led by Dr Llorenç Puig, SJ, who shared a reading and prayer related to Matthew 13:47-53, which addresses the need to welcome what is new, but with the discernment to distinguish between what helps and humanizes and what does not. Dr Puig also invited attendees to hold a moment of silence and reflection before continuing the event.

Subsequently, the group proceeded to analyse the article "From Artificial Intelligence to the Immortality of the Soul," published in "Cristianisme i Justícia," Supplement to CJ Notebook No. 234 of September 2023, written by Dr Xavier Casanovas, a member of the IQS Department of Ethics and Christian Thought.

Highlights from the article include:

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI): The growth of AI is addressed, with a focus on ChatGPT software which is designed to emulate human language and provide compelling answers. Questions are raised about the authentic intelligence of AI and its implications for society.

The Verisimilitude Challenge: One of the most notable aspects of AI, such as ChatGPT, is its ability to create responses that resemble a real human conversation, often making it difficult to distinguish between AI-generated and human responses. This raises issues related to post-truth and information manipulation.

Biases and Ethical Challenges: This article addresses concerns about biases in AI and its ability to replicate prejudices that are present in society. In addition, the possibility of AI replacing human jobs is discussed, as well as challenges related to sustainability. It also reflects on how technology is transforming our relationship with the world and questions whether AI could offer a form of digital immortality for the soul, raising ethical and existential questions.

In summary, the article discusses the growing influence of AI, challenges related to the plausibility of its responses, biases, and ethical issues, as well as the implications of the technology on society and human interaction with AI.

During the event, the participants had the opportunity to hold discussions in small groups, sharing their impressions and reflecting on the relevant topic of AI and its ethical implications in society, especially concerning education for younger generations.