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IQS-URL, New Member of the ENGAGE.EU European Alliance

24 July 2023

As a member of Ramon Llull University, IQS has now formed part of the European Alliance ENGAGE.EU since this July, in which nine highly-prestigious European universities are participating in the fields of business, economics, and social sciences.

As a member of Ramon Llull University, IQS has now formed part of the European Alliance ENGAGE.EU since this July, in which nine highly-prestigious European universities are participating in the fields of business, economics, and social sciences. Not being left out when applying for a research grant to offering students the possibility of studying abroad at renowned European universities are just some of the benefits of the alliance.

From now on, IQS-URL is recognized as a European University. This means being a university centre with an active project that carries out quality and competitive teaching, research, and sustainable knowledge transfer. This powerful network brings together 125,000 students and 14,000 professors and administration and services staff from nine leading European universities. The alliance works in an interdisciplinary manner on sustainable solutions to social problems.

The URL notes that “this milestone means another step in the internationalization strategy of our university and in the consolidation of our positioning within Europe. We are now part of an exclusive group of European universities as only 9% have the opportunity to be a European University.”

It is worth noting that Spain is the country with the highest number of higher education institutions that form part of this alliance, followed by France and Germany. Regarding Catalonia, only the URL and ESMUC were able to join the alliance in the last call for applicants.


Benefits for students and research staff

IQS research staff can generate synergies with other researchers, thus creating complementary networks. Researchers also have the possibility to propose shared research projects within competitive programmes, such as the European Commission's HORIZON, or access other exclusive funding options for members of European Universities. There is also the ambitious goal of creating a joint doctoral programme among the nine universities and the aim to connect all of our entrepreneurship ecosystems.

Students can personally benefit from being part of this European Alliance through the offer of more than 500 courses in which they can participate, as 50 URL students have just done, the Master's-level honours programme in Digital Transformation, or by spending seven weeks with 200 students and external stakeholders with the mission of offering solutions to real social challenges.

In addition, a research community platform has been developed and launched that is now serving as a source of inspiration and collaboration for 250 academics.