Starting January 2025, a call has been open at IQS for national and international researchers in theology. The offer consists of a stay financed by IQS, of between 3 and 6 months, for a theologian to develop his or her personal research project. The project has been launched in collaboration with the apostolic platform of Catalonia, Cristianisme i Justícia, ESADE, UNIJES and the Kircher Network, and aims to strengthen the presence of theological reflection within the higher education ecosystem of the Jesuit Schools in Barcelona.
Thus, the three areas of research suggested in the proposal renew the classical intellectual apostolate –mostly in the field of fundamental theology– of the Jesuits in Catalonia. The following areas are proposed, all of them in interaction with Theology: Science, technology and sustainability; Faith and justice; Secularization and spirituality. The aim is to promote dialogue between theology, philosophy and spirituality with the contemporary challenges of today’s world.
For researchers, the attractiveness of the offer lies in the valuable resources for theological study that are available in the UNIJES network, with theology faculties in Deusto (Bilbao), the Pontifical University of Comillas (Madrid) and the Loyola University (Sevilla), as well as the Borja Library – the former philosophy and theology library of the Jesuits in Barcelona – and the theological library of Sant Pacià, of the Seminary of Barcelona. IQS, and the higher education environment of the Society of Jesus in Catalonia will benefit from this proposal, whose researcher will be asked to give talks and seminars in his specialty both for researchers from the schools of Barcelona and for the general public.
With this proposal, IQS wishes to bring closer together the world of scientific research and that of theology, typical of its origins. This opens up a field of activity that will be developed with new initiatives in the coming years.
All the information is available at: