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IQS Identity and Mission Report for Academic Year 22-23

Chair of Ethics 14 June 2024

IQS has recently published its Identity and Mission report for academic year 22-23. The report reflects the activities that have specifically aimed to keep the Christian and Ignatian heritage of our university active and contemporary. Therefore, it presents a selection of our activities as all our research, teaching, and transfer work is aligned with the basic values of the Society of Jesus’ higher education efforts.

Above all, the report reflects the activities specifically related to the Christian identity of IQS and provides an account of the liturgical and sacramental celebrations we held, the Christian activities aimed at students and university staff, and the gatherings of the “IQS Community” that were launched during academic year 22-23 following the call by UNIJES and the direct call by the university’s administration.

In the “Charitable IQS” section, the report also gives an account of the charitable campaigns that were carried out at IQS over the past year. Some of the activities responded to needs and broad initiatives promoted by civil society, while others addressed needs detected by IQS in our surroundings, such as campaigns to support the local Assisi centre which is dedicated to hosting homeless people.

This publication also describes the extracurricular learning activities aimed at students promoted by the IQS Department of Ethics and Christian Thought, such as the Debate Club (with UNIJES), the Reading Club, volunteering opportunities, and more. The Ignatian discernment workshops that the students held during Talent Week are also worth highlighting.

Finally, the publication reflects the educational activities aimed at university staff members, as well as the activities related to our collaboration networks beyond the university. For example, this final section briefly describes educational activities with the service-learning methodology, the UNIJES secularization group symposium, and our collaboration with the Christianity and Justice Centre in Barcelona.