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IQS Hosts the Presentation of the Princesa de Girona Foundation Social Projects

28 March 2023

On 9 March, IQS hosted the presentation of the 14 finalists under the first call for projects through the “Generation Purpose” social leadership programme sponsored by the Princesa de Girona Foundation.

On 9 March, IQS hosted the presentation of the 14 finalists under the first call for projects through the “Generation Purpose” social leadership programme sponsored by the Princesa de Girona Foundation.

This initiative aims to promote projects that generate a positive impact on society in the areas of health and quality of life, sustainability and the environment, equal opportunities, education, Tech For Good, and culture.

The finalists have been developing their projects for three months thanks to mentoring from expert collaborators with the Princesa de Girona Foundation, who have supported the project creators in the process of making their socially-impactful ideas viable and real.

Two projects conducted by two IQS alumni were also featured in the presentation. First, Pol Ulier, with Gloo, a spinoff from the Materials Engineering Group at IQS, explained the EPOLOOP project, about recycling thermoset composites. This initiative involves the chemical recycling of thermoset epoxy systems, a technology that provides a solution to a major problem regarding the waste management of large structures.

Second, Albert Forés Garriga, with BioStone, a spinoff from the Applied Mechanics and Advanced Manufacturing Research Group at IQS, explained how BioStone develops high value-added commercial solutions for the protection, recovery, and regeneration of marine biodiversity based on structures inspired by nature and made with sustainable materials.

During the event, three further initiatives were announced that have been devised within the framework of EduLab, the Foundation's “Teacher Generation” educational innovation programme.

The event also featured collaboration from Imagine Creative Center, LiquiD, Gellify, and the UB, through the Master in Self-Leadership and Group Leadership taught by the Faculty of Psychology.