The IQS Business Foundation Hosts the Annual Ceremony for Academic Excellence, Financial Aid, and Master's Degree Scholarships

The Undergraduate, Financial Aid, and Master’s Degree Scholarships Programme and Honorary Distinctions for Final Degree Projects ceremony hosted by the IQS Business Foundation has awarded 45 scholarships for academic year 2023-2024 thanks to the collaboration of 26 sponsoring companies, along with two distinctions awarded by Cáritas Diocesana Barcelona.
The Undergraduate, Financial Aid, and Master's Degree Scholarships Programme and Honorary Distinctions for Final Degree Projects ceremony hosted by the IQS Business Foundation has awarded 45 scholarships for academic year 2023-2024 thanks to the collaboration of 26 sponsoring companies, along with two distinctions awarded by Cáritas Diocesana Barcelona.
The aim of this programme is to renew the IQS Business Foundation's commitment to academic excellence and the education of future professionals as well as fostering relationships between companies and scholarship recipients both in bachelor's and master's degrees.
Held on 19 October, the awards ceremony featured participation by Dr Salvador Borrós, Director of IQS; Dr Jordi Díaz, Dean of the IQS School of Engineering; Dr José Javier Molins, Registrar; Dr Flavio Comin, Dean of the IQS School of Management; and Rosa Curt, Director of the IQS Business Foundation.
The event featured a speech by Albert Rivero, Open Innovation Manager at Worsley and an alumnus from the class of '21, who also earned a scholarship from the company Lucta. He pointed out how the number of companies that give scholarships and students with scholarships has increased in recent years: "it's great work by IQS as well as by students and companies."
Marta Rodríguez, IQS alumna and Director of Marketing & Customer Service Southern Europe with Carburos Metálicos, highlighted the companies that finance the studies of people and, in principle, will not get a direct return as "the commitment is to talent, understood from an ethical basis, and to society, trying to do good without expecting anything in return."
31 scholarships for bachelor's degrees and dual bachelor's degrees
The companies and their representatives at the awards ceremony to recognize the effort of top students included: Marta Rodríguez, IQS alumna and Director of Marketing & Customer Service Southern Europe, and Clara Roig, Operational Marketing and Sustainability, for Carburos Metálicos; Jorge Sos, General Director of Asia, for Ernesto Ventós; Anna Álvarez, CSR and Alliances Specialist, for Fundació Caixa Enginyers; Anabel Delgado, Secretary, for Fundació Puig; Marcos Fernández, President, and Blanca Such, Corporate Marketing Manager, for Grupo AC Marca; Vicente Bagán, CEO, for GrupoAltadia; Amadeu Jori, President, for Jori Armengol; Mirjam Ribé, for Josep Ribé; Jaime Grego, President, and Mar Grego, Vice President, for Leti Pharma; Aurora Ventura, Human Resources Group Director, for Lucta; Francesc Gavarró, CEO, for Protein; and for Financial Aid Scholarships: Ignacio Gallardo-Bravo, Director, for Fundación Jesús Serra; and Tomás Testor, General Secretary, for the Fundación Mª Francisca de Roviralta.
These scholarships are awarded to incoming students with limited financial resources and the best academic records. They recognize academic merit and excellence and help finance the cost of tuition. A committee assesses the student's academic record, their academic effort, the grades they have earned, and other activities and skills they have carried out.
- Carburos Metálicos Scholarships: Eloi Sanromà Hernández, 5th year student in the Undergraduate Programme in Chemical Engineering and Business Administration and Management; Valeria Darvas García, 3rd year student in the Undergraduate Programme in Industrial Engineering; and Berta Moliner Erro, 2nd year student in the Undergraduate Programme in Biotechnology.
- Ernesto Ventós Scholarships: Tània Farnós Pérez de Baños and Lian Shidong Porta Coll, 3rd year students in the Undergraduate Programme in Biotechnology.
- Fundació Caixa d'Enginyers Scholarships: Liam Cuberas Gallego and Josep Camprodon Sánchez, 3rd year students in the Undergraduate Programme in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.
- Fundació Puig Scholarships: Clara Ferrer Segarra, 2nd year student in the Undergraduate Programme in Biotechnology; and Guillem Boigues Coll, 2nd year student in the Undergraduate Programme in Biotechnology and Business Administration and Management.
- Grupo AC Marca Scholarships: Laia Torrella Adriaensen, 4th year student in the Undergraduate Programme in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Emma Ricart Lloret, 5th year student in the Undergraduate Programme in Chemical Engineering and Business Administration and Management; and Cristina Guarch Pascual, 3rd year student in the Undergraduate Programme in Business Administration and Management.
- Grupo Altaria Scholarships: Álvaro Roviralta Pastor, 4th year student in the Undergraduate Programme in Industrial Engineering; Guillermo Roviralta Pastor, 4th year student in the Undergraduate Programme in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; and Elisabet Víchez Cervera, 2nd year student in the Undergraduate Programme in Biotechnology.
- Jori Armengol Scholarships: Carla Gaspà Vivanco, 1st year student in the Undergraduate Programme in Biotechnology and Business Administration and Management; Álvaro Allende Varela, 1st year student in the Undergraduate Programme in Industrial Engineering and Business Administration and Management; and Leyre Losantos Jareño, 1st year student in the Undergraduate Programme in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.
- Josep Ribé Scholarships: Cheng Wang, 2nd year student in the Undergraduate Programme in Biotechnology and Business Administration and Management; and Oriol Sanahuja Gacen, 2nd year student in the Undergraduate Programme in Industrial Engineering.
- LetiPharma Scholarships: Biel Salvador Plana, 2nd year student in the Undergraduate Programme in Biomedical Sciences; Mariona Argemí Cutiller, 1st year student in the Undergraduate Programme in Biomedical Sciences; and Laura Fernández Moreno, 1st year student in the Undergraduate Programme in Biomedical Sciences.
- Lucta Scholarships: Esther Ting Cabrera Clapers and Clàudia Lorente Villaret, 3rd year students in the Undergraduate Programme in Biotechnology; and Laura Gallego Olsina, 3rd year student in the Undergraduate Programme in International Business.
- Protein Scholarships: Paula Esteve Casadevall, 3rd year student in the Undergraduate Programme in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.
Undergraduate Financial Aid Scholarships
- Jesús Serra Foundation Scholarships: Marc Manrubia Escudero and Jordi Serra Palomares, 2nd year students in the Undergraduate Programme in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.
- Mª Francisca de Roviralta Foundation Scholarships: Marta Minayo Ayala, 1st year student in the Undergraduate Programme in Biomedical Sciences; and Estela Marina Mangalavite Tito, 1st year student in the Undergraduate Programme in Biomedical Sciences.
14 Master's Degree scholarships
Anna Marimón, a student in the Master's Degree in Biopharmaceutical Business who earned a scholarship from the company Mesoestetic, was in charge of making the speech on behalf of the students. She thanked the IQS Business Foundation and the companies that award scholarships: "The support is like a gift, but also an investment in my future and in the future of the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. In addition, the scholarships also light the spark of motivation, responsibility, and giving our best."
Before awarding the scholarships, Ernest Pla, VP of Corporate Talent & Organization at Grifols, congratulated the scholarship students, but above all the families "for the effort they have made so their children can study at IQS," in addition to highlighting "the more human side of companies, as well as the passion and motivation for work."
The companies and their representatives at the ceremony that recognized the efforts of the best students at the IQS School of Engineering and the IQS School of Management included Raúl Martínez, Managing Director for Andbank; Belen García, ECCBC Group C&B Manager & HR Services for Equatorial Coca-cola Bottling Company; Fernando Peiron, IQS alumnus and Barcelona Plant Manager for Covestro; Oscar Cubiñá, Industrial Processes Global Support D. for Celsa Group; Olivier Anthony, Global Research and Innovation Manager for Eurofragance; Ernest Pla, Vice President Talent, and Paulina Segura, Manager Global Employer Branding (HR), for Grífols; Gemma Canut, Industrial Organization Engineer for Klinea; Eva Lluch, CEO, Sofia Lluch, IQS alumna and owner, for Lluch Essence; David Caña, IQS alumnus and Co-CEO & Chief People & Investment Office, and Arnau Casanova, Head of Recruitment, Training, and Development for Mesoestetic; Ana Barbone, Head of Culture for Naturgy; Ainhoa Lafuente, Human Resources Manager for Roca Sanitario; Manel Vera, P&C Director for Technip Energies; and Xavier Soler, HR Business Partner OEM, and Sheila Jiménez, Vice-president of Human Resources OEM, for Werfen.
The Master's Degree Scholarships represent financial aid to support the top students from our undergraduate programmes at the IQS School of Engineering and the IQS School of Management to continue their studies at IQS.
- Andbank Scholarship: Pavel Abdulmyanov Bulaeva, Master's Degree in Wealth and Financial Management.
- Equatorial Coca-Cola Bottling Company Scholarship: Alessandro Bugno, Master in Global Entrepreneurial Management.
- Celsa Goup Scholarship: Arnau Roselló Garriga, Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering.
- Covestro Scholarship: Meritxell Sitjà Fernández, Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering.
- Eurofragance Scholarship: Mireia Ferrer Valls, Master's Degree in Analytical Chemistry.
- Grífols Scholarship: Mathilde Lemaire Galipienso, Master's Degree in Bioengineering.
- Klinea Scholarship: Mireia Torrelles Fernández, Master's Degree in Biopharmaceutical Business.
- Lluch Essence Scholarship: Blanca Isart Maso, Master's Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
- Mesoestetic Scholarship: Anna Marimon Klefisch, Master's Degree in Biopharmaceutical Business.
- 2 Naturgy Scholarships: Pablo Bècle García, Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering. Scholarship to Promote Female Talent: Sofia Cabal Tauler, Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering.
- Roca Sanitario Scholarship: Irene Salto Talaya, Master's Degree in Materials Science and Engineering.
- Technip Energies Scholarship: Mireia Bonich Aranda, Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering.
- Werfen Scholarship: Maria Bericat Tobella, Master's Degree in Bioengineering.
The event was also attended by the leadership, faculty, and staff of the IQS master's degrees.
Cáritas Honorary Distinctions: Final Degree Project
This year's ceremony presented the Cáritas Diocesana de Barcelona Honorary Distinction for two final degree projects. Itziar Bravo, responsible for raising awareness and collections at Cáritas; Fernando Port, coordinator of Universidades Con Corazón; and Marta Cerdà, volunteer with Universidades Con Corazón, attended the event.
The best Final Degree Project at the IQS School of Management for academic year 2022-2023 was "GreenRoof" by Berta Vall i Brossa, a Business Administration and Management student who was supervised by José Fazio, consultant and advisor.
The best Final Degree Project at the IQS School of Engineering for academic year 2022-2023 was "The challenges of pharmaceutical care for the homeless in Barcelona," by Marta Bel Esteve, a Pharmacy student who was supervised by Dr Oriol Quintana, Head of Identity and Mission at IQS.
Itziar Bravo thanked IQS for its commitment to raising awareness and promoting values among its students. In addition, she explained that 1 in 3 people in Barcelona live in a situation of poverty and social exclusion and emphasized the concept of aporophobia, inviting people to attend the 1st International Conference on Aporophobia, organized by IQS on 30 and 31 October. Finally, she encouraged students to participate in personal and corporate volunteering and thanked “the effort that your colleagues have made in dedicating their final degree projects to social issues. For Cáritas, this awareness is vital.”