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I+M Expert Day at IQS

Chair of Ethics 28 June 2024

Last June 18, IQS organized a training day in Identity and Mission for lecturers and administrative staff, named “I+M Expert Day”. This training was addressed to the former students of the UNIJES Identity and Mission courses, for whom IQS had not yet planned a continuity session.

The content of the day revolved around the orientations for the mission that the Society of Jesus has been issuing in recent years. Thus, the Universal Apostolic Priorities were reviewed in the first place, followed by discussion on the specific challenges that, for their realization, IQS faces every day. The talk and workshop were given by Dr. Xavier Casanovas, member of the IQS Identity and Mission and Vocational Culture team. Dr.  Casanovas is also regular collaborator also in the training of the Curso Básico UNIJES (in Salamanca).

The second talk dealt with the difficult balance and tension that is generated between personal care and apostolic care, and was given by Mr. Carlos Bel, Director of People and Organization of IQS. Reviewing fundamental documents of the Company (such as the Constitutions), specific cases were discussed in which such balance must be respected and treated with discernment.

The following activity consisted of a Route of ‘Urban Sanctuaries’. It is a walking itinerary, visiting, in a contemplative way, different facilities in the Bellvitge neighborhood in Hospitalet de Llobregat, where the training was taking place. The walk was done in solitude and silence, following the instructions and meditations in a document that had been distributed to the participants. The document had been written some time ago by the Jesuit community of the Bellvitge, precisely with the pastoral purpose of helping to grow in contemplative sensitivity. The Jesuits have been working in this neighborhood for more than 50 years, and their educational and pastoral work, and their love for the neighborhood has given large and recognizable fruits, such as the care of the Bellvitge Hermit, the Mare de Déu de Bellvitge Parish or the Col·legi Joan XXIII, all included in this contemplative route.

The day finished with a guided meditation on Vocational Culture, in charge of Dr. Oriol Quintana, IQS’ Identity and Mission delegate, in which the participants were invited to reflect and share the key moments and aspects of their professional vocation, encouraging them to renew their commitment to it.