A total of 503 high school students from schools in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, and Andorra recently participated in one or more of the “Get Ready for the University Entrance Exams” workshops organized by IQS for the sixth consecutive year.
Five hundred secondary school baccalaureate students participate in the IQS "Get Ready for the University Entrance Exams" workshops

For yet another year, in view of how highly regarded the previous editions were, IQS held an activity aimed at secondary school baccalaureate students so they could practice some of the experimental work that might come up during the Chemistry university entrance exam.
As set out in the Guidance document for the Chemistry University Entrance exam, the 2025 Chemistry test aims to have students prove that they hold the specific competences that form part of the curriculum of the Baccalaureate Chemistry subject. The types of questions that may appear in the exam include formats that could address problem solving, describe experimental procedures, or interpret and analyse experimental work.
In order to contribute to preparing for the exam, IQS chose five practice exercises that were offered in an online format. Specifically, the workshops offered in this year’s edition included: 1. Experimental determination of the heat of a reaction; 2. Experimental observation of the direction of displacement of an equilibrium when the concentration, pressure, or temperature vary; solubility of poorly soluble ionic compounds; and 5. Experimental determination of a battery’s EMF.
Under the leadership of Dr M. Victoria Codera, an IQS professor with the Department of Analytical and Applied Chemistry, and with the help of PhD student Laura Angulo, each of the scheduled sessions was held in a virtual format during the months of January and February, reaching a total of ten sessions. Registration was required but free, and the participants were given documentation in advance. Each session began with an explanatory lecture to help the students understand the dynamics of working in a laboratory. Dr Codera then conducted the experiment, combining images previously recorded in the laboratories and shared during the session, along with explanations and questions that she asked the attendees. As the session progressed, the attendees had to prepare a report of conclusions that helped them better understand the work that was done which could later be used for further study.
The 503 registered participants could sign up for more than one session, so a total of 1,920 registrations were made in this year’s edition, mostly secondary school baccalaureate students, but also science teachers from schools primarily in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands. Specifically, students from the following schools in Barcelona enrolled in the sessions: Amor de Dios, Canigó, Centro Monlau, Colegio Montserrat, CFA Layret, Colegio Scala Dei, Concepcionistas, Escuela Pérez Iborra, Escuela Pía Sarrià-Calassanç, Escuela Voramar, ETP Javier, FEDAC Amílcar de Riquer, IES Anna Gironella de Mundet, IES Dr. Puigvert, IES J.V. Foix, IES L’Alzina, IES Les Corts, IES Manuel Carrasco y Formiguera, IES Moisès Broggi, IES Flos y Calcat, IES Francisco de Goya, IES Montserrat, IPSI, Jesuïtes Casp, Jesuïtes El Clot, Jesuïtes Sant Gervasi, Jesús y María, La Salle Bonanova, La Salle Congrés, Sagrados Corazones, Pare Manyanet- Les Corts, Pare Manyanet – San Andreu, Sil, Stucom, Súnion, and Vedruna-Gràcia. In addition, students from the following schools elsewhere also enrolled: Ágora Sant Cugat (Sant Cugat del Vallés), Beato Ramon Llull (Inca), Centro Escolar Empordà (Roses), Claret (Valls), Colegio San Gabriel (Viladecans), Colegio Sagrada Família (Tortosa), Sant Josep Obrer (L’Hospitalet de Llobregat), Colegio Inglés Americano de Guatemala, Colegio Internacional Eiris SEK (La Coruña), Cultural (Badalona), Dolmen (L’Hospitalet de Llobregat), El Pinar de Nuestra Señora (Sant Cugat del Vallès), Escuela Camp Joliu (L’Arbós), Escola Cingle (Terrassa), Escola Ginebró (Llinars del Vallès), Escuela Virgen de la Salud (Sabadell), Escuela Pare Manyanet (Reus), Escuela Pía de Granollers, Escuela Pía de Terrassa, Escuela Pía de Igualada, Europa International School (Sant Cugat del Vallés), FEDAC Xarxa (Berga), Hamelin Laie International (Montgat), IES Josep Lladonosa (Lleida), IES Alba del Vallès (Sant Fost de Campsentelles), IES Alt Penedés (Vilafranca del Penedés), IES Arnau Cadell (Sant Cugat del Vallés), IES Arraona (Sabadell), IES Can Paixauet (Sta. Coloma de Gramanet), IES Caparella (Lleida), IES de Sant Feliu de Guíxols, IES de Sales (Viladecans), IES Cervelló (La Palma de Cerverlló), IES Egara (Terrassa), IES Escuela Industrial de Vic, IES Escuela Intermunicipal del Penedés (Sant Sadurní d’Anoia), IES Fonts de la Glorieta (Alcover), IES Forat del Vent (Cerdanyola del Vallès), IES Franscesc Vidal y Barraquer (Tarragona), IES Francesc Lluch y Rafecas (Vilanova y la Geltrú) Huertos), IES Isaac Albéniz (Badalona), IES Jaume Almera (Vilasar de Arriba), IES Jaume Mimó (Cerdanyola del Vallés), IES Joan Miró (Cornellá de Llobregat), IES Josep Tapiró (Reus), IES La Bastida (Sta. Coloma de Gramanet), IES Calafell, IES Lauro (Bellavista), IES La Serra (Sabadell), IES Las Amerigues (Terrrassa), IES Les Vinyes (Sta. Coloma de Gramanet), IES Llavaneres, IES Lluís Companys (Tordera), IES Martí Dot (St. Feliu de Llobregat) IES Montsacopa (Olot), IES Montserrat Roig (Terrassa), IES Nou de Vilafranca (Vilafranca del Penedés), IES Pere Vives i Vich (Igualada), IES Ramon Berenguer IV (Cambrils), IES Salvador Vilaseca (Reus), IES Sarrià de Ter, IES Sunsi Mora (Canet de Mar), IES Torrevicens (Lleida), IES Vall d’Arús (Vallirana), IES Vallvera (Salt), IES Vidreres, IES de Vic, Jaume Viladoms (Sabadell), Jesuïtes Bellvitge (Hospitalet de Llobregat), La Salle Manlleu, L’Alzina (Molins de Rei), Les Alzines (Girona), Lycée Francès (Gavà), Maristes Rubí, Montesori-Palau (Girona), Montjuïc International School (Girona), Pineda (L’Hospitalet de Llobregat), Pureza de María (San Cugat del Vallés), Sant Gabriel (Viladecans), Sant Josep (Reus), San Pau Apòstol (Tarragona), Santa Teresa de Jesús (Tarragona), SEK Catalunya (La Garriga), Tecla Sala (L’Hospitalet de Llobregat), Vedruna (Girona), Vedruna (Malgrat de Mar), and Viaró Global School (Sant Cugat del Vallès).