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Dr. Xavier Casanovas, Professor with the Department of Ethics and Christian Thought

Interviews 5 March 2025

What do you like most about your job?

The ability to continuously nurture my intellectual calling. And the relationships I form with students, which requires us to constantly keep one foot on the ground.

What would you like to spend more time doing?

Music. I’ve played trumpet (and piano) in jazz and various music groups for many years. But becoming a father, the pandemic, and studying for my doctorate put a stop to everything. I’d like to get back into music.

What are you proudest of?

I’m proudest of the journey I’ve made thus far, in terms of work and my intellectual and social commitment. I’m also pleased with all the amazing people I’ve been able to meet and everything I’ve learned from them. I feel like I’ve been able to bridge two different worlds, and the connections I’ve been able to establish bring me joy.

What value do you most appreciate in people?

Humility and generosity.

Where’s a place you’d like to visit?

In recent years I’ve enjoyed spending time with family around Ogassa, an area near Sant Joan de les Abadesses in the foothills of the Taga, a mountain full of mysticism. And if I could name a second place I’d say Almería, where my wife and I held work camps for many years – it’s a reality with very vivid contrasts.

What’s a dream you’d like to pursue?

That’s quite simple: to have more quality time to be able to spend time with my family, reading, and more. We live a saturated and accelerated life. My dream is to slow down.

What do you have left to learn?

Having studied mathematics and philosophy has taught me that there are very few fundamental truths. If there’s one thing we know, it’s that almost everything remains to be learned. Over time, one also understands that the most valuable learning is what makes you feel alive if you have the tools and time to carefully examine everything taking place. The important thing is growing in wisdom and forging authentic bonds with others.