What do you like most about your job?
Dr Daniel Vázquez, Professor with the IQS Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science

Being able to learn more things about topics that are especially interesting to me such as mathematical modelling and optimization. In addition, learning about programming can make my day-to-day life easier.
What would you like to spend more time doing?
Well, I would like to spend more time on leisure, but in the end, there are only 24 hours in the day, and sleep already takes about eight hours (with luck).
What are you proudest of?
My ability to learn and grow I think. I’m constantly trying to learn new things, both about the world and about myself.
What value do you most appreciate in people?
Where’s a place you’d like to visit?
Well, I get pretty lost in the main IQS building actually.
What’s a dream you’d like to pursue?
Travelling to Japan.
What do you have left to learn?
Countless things. I even have to learn some things more than once for them to stick around.