We have kicked off this academic year with countless projects and great intentions in the field of research and technology transfer and with something new that we would like to share with you.
Climate change has certainly been one of the topics of conversation during this summer break: drought, temperature changes, storms, and so on are issues that concern everyone with increasing intensity, regardless of whether they take place in the summer wherever we may be or at any other time of the year or in any other place.
“The conservation over time about the planet’s living conditions is a human responsibility full of ethical and spiritual meaning. As university teaching and research staff, our collaboration includes participating in efforts to investigate and analyse in depth, supporting reflection and discernment that lead us to make sound decisions, capable of healing the wounds already inflicted on the ecological balance.” This mission of “Caring for our Common Home” is one of the Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAPs) of the Society of Jesus, announced in 2019 by Father General Arturo Sosa.
Thus, the framework of the UNIJES Strategic Plan for the 2021-25 period includes the intention, with the support of UNIJES and the Province, to create RRC reference centres for each of the main priorities chosen in line with the Society of Jesus, and one of them is concern for our planet.
The UNIJES Reference Research Centre in Ecology and the Environment is one of these RRCs that, promoted and led by IQS, must respond to this fourth Universal Apostolic Preference from the perspective of research, technology transfer, education, and social awareness.
The various schools that form part of UNIJES (Jesuit Universities), including the University of Deusto, the University of Comillas, Loyola University, ESADE, and IQS, have consolidated research groups with recognized activity in topics related to the circular economy, sustainability, the environment, pollution, the use and recovery of resources, and environmental ethics, among many others. The mission of IQS within the framework of this new RRC must be to connect these research teams and groups to promote the exchange of knowledge, promote technology transfer, and share research advances with society in general.
This coming October, Dr Cristina Alonso is joining IQS to lead and coordinate the activity of this RRC, promoting actions such as those highlighted below over the next two years.
Research and knowledge transfer:
- Encourage collaboration between the research groups at UNIJES schools and the industrial sector in conducting research projects and transferring knowledge and technology.
- Generate a line of thought that falls in line with UNIJES priorities and is aligned with the fourth UAP.
- Promote new training initiatives in ecology, environment, and sustainability between schools and the best teaching practices within each university.
- Organization of joint conferences.
- Speaking to public media on social awareness.
We will continue to update you over the next few months on events and updates as they emerge and evolve.
Have a great start to the school year!
Dr Núria Vallmitjana
Director of IQS Tech Transferfer