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BASF, Fundación Privada Cellex, Grifols, and Carlos Ansoleaga de Santiago's family members visit the CTPTI at IQS

19 February 2021

On Monday, February 8th, representatives of the CTPTI sponsors, BASF, Fundación Privada Cellex, Grifols and Carlos Ansoleaga de Santiago, In Memoriam, visited the facilities along with the IQS Business Foundation to show their partnership commitment with IQS regarding the development of new technologies and innovation.


The Process Transfer and Integrative Technologies Centre (CTPTI) promotes advanced research and technology transfer to industry to integrate production technologies that lead to the production of products and materials with high added value. On Monday, 8 February, representatives from IQS sponsors BASF, Fundación Privada Cellex, Grifols, and Carlos Ansoleaga de Santiago, In Memoriam, visited the facilities along with the IQS Business Foundation to show their partnership commitment with IQS regarding the development of new technologies and innovation.

IQS and the IQS Business Foundation thanked the representatives from the companies for their contribution to the creation of the CTPTI and their support for excellence in university research and technology transfer to the industrial sector.

The event was attended by Mr Carlos Navarro Vigo, Managing Director of BASF, and an IQS Class of 1988 graduate in Chemical Engineering; Mr Jordi Segarra Pijuan, Chairman of the Fundació Privada Cellex Board of Trustees, and an IQS Class of 1956 graduate in Chemistry; Mr Daniel Fleta Coit, Industrial Director of Grifols, and an IQS Class of 1994 graduate in Chemistry; and Mr David Payeras Bailly, Vice President of Talent & Organization at Grifols. On behalf of Carlos Ansoleaga de Santiago, In Memoriam, his sisters Ms Clara Ansoleaga de Santiago and Ms Inma Ansoleaga de Santiago attended, accompanied by their parents.

On behalf of IQS, the event was attended by Dr Salvador Borrós Gómez, Director of IQS; Dr Núria Vallmitjana Palau, Director of IQS Tech Transfer; and Ms Rosa Curt Santpera, Director of the IQS Business Foundation. During the event, the representatives from the CTPTI's sponsor companies were able to visit the facilities and share their impressions.

The sponsorship by the aforementioned companies is detailed below:

  • Sponsorship by BASF has contributed to financing the construction and equipping of the Advanced Materials and Nanotechnologies Laboratory.
  • FUNDACIÓN CELLEX has participated in the realization of the CTPTI project. Its sponsorship goes towards the acquisition of new equipment and funding for doctoral students.
  • Sponsorship by GRIFOLS has contributed to the construction and equipping of the Bioprocess Pilot Plant.
  • CARLOS ANSOLEAGA DE SANTIAGO, In Memoriam, Class of 2013 graduate in Industrial Engineering. His sponsorship has contributed to the acquisition of two Flow Chemistry devices for the Continuous Chemical Processes Unit.

1,150 m2 dedicated to innovation and knowledge transfer

The CTPTI is an IQS project with advanced research infrastructure and technology transfer to industry to integrate production technologies that lead to the production of products and materials with high added value. In addition, it is a commitment to expanding the relationship between the business sector and the university to bring recognition to talent and improve employability for students.

Top-level research projects are conducted at the CTPTI with the aim of transferring them to industry to promote technological development and innovation throughout industry in Catalonia in sectors that show the greatest potential for growth.

The space features 1,150 m2 and the latest available technologies to carry out its mission. It is home to a unit dedicated to Bioprocesses, one for Continuous Process Chemistry, and another for Nanotechnology and advanced materials, as well as spaces dedicated to research staff and other services such as storage.

This project has been co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union within the framework of the ERDF Operational Programme. File 2015 FEDER S-05.