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Roberto Cantoni, PhD

Ramón y Cajal Researcher - Associate Professor

Department of Ethics and Christian Thought


PhD in History of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of Manchester (2014)
Master in Global Energy Transition and Governance, CIFE (2017)
Master in Science Communication, SISSA-ISAS (2011)
Master 2 in Logics, Philosophy, History and Sociology of Science, University Paris Cité (2011)
MSc in Physics, University of Naples (2004)


Ten years as postdoctoral fellow at: LATTS – Ecole des Ponts ParisTech; CERI – Sciences Po Paris; Department of Social Sciences – University of Augsburg; ZEF – University of Bonn; IHC and ICTA – Autonomous University of Barcelona; SPRU – Sussex University (2014-currently)
Board Member of the Global Atlas of Environmental Justice (2024-currently)
Occasional teacher in the Master in Global Energy Transition and Governance, CIFE (2018-currently)
Science Journalist for Italian webzine OggiScienza (2013-16)
Research fieldwork in Poland, France (including French Guiana), Togo, Burkina Faso, Western Sahara.

Research lines

  • Ecological economics
  • Political ecology
  • Energy justice
  • Science and Technology Studies (STS)

