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Joan Cortés Mayans

Associate Professor

Department of Business Management


Degree in AngloGerman Philology (1989, UB)
Master Degree in Computational Linguistics (1993, UB)
Service Company Management Diploma (2007, ESADE)
General Management Program (2004, UOC)
Trained in business management at Columbia Business School, HEC Paris, London School of Business and the Rotman Management School in Toronto.


Associate Professor in IQS since 2020.
Collaboration in the IQS Tech Transfer Business Plan, 2019.
Managing Director at Bee and Butterfly Consulting, 2016-2024.
Managing Director at Lead to Change Consulting, 2008-2015.
Professor in the Master dHealth in Entrepreneurship, Biocat, 2012-2015
CEO Nazra Intelligence 2018-2020.
CEO Vidneo (Grupo Lavinia) 2007-2008
Business Development Director at GEC (Grupo UOC) 2002-2006
Coordinator Economic Development and Personal Services, Consell Comarcal del Maresme 1999-2002
Mentor and investor in several startups 2015-present
