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Norma Fàbregas Vallvé, PhD

Ramón y Cajal Researcher - Associate Professor

Department of Bioengineering


Graduate in Biochemistry (UB, 2007)
Master in Developmental Biology and Genetics (UB, 2008)
Doctor in Molecular Biology (UB, 2013)


Postdoctoral Researcher at the Centre for Research in Agrigenomics (2013-2017)
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology (2017-2020)
Torres Quevedo Researcher at the R&D department of Vetgenomics S.L. (2020-2023)
Adjunct Professor of the Department of Plant Physiology of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the UB (2021-2023)

Research lines

  • Molecular signalling mechanisms of plants in response to drought stress.
  • Multi-omics approaches (genomics, transcriptomics and metabolomics) to develop diagnostic tests to detect stress in plants and other organisms.
  • Genomics and metagenomics to characterize environmental microbiomes.

