IQS understands how important it is to find a place to live where you feel at home. Although we do not have our own accommodation, we offer various options to help you find the ideal place for your time with us.
It is essential that the accommodation you choose makes it possible for you to obtain the municipal registry of inhabitants certificate.
What is the municipal registry of inhabitants?
The municipal registry of inhabitants certificate (empadronamiento in Spanish) is the official document that certifies your residence in a Spanish municipality. This document is essential for carrying out many legal procedures during your time in Spain.
Before signing a rental contract, make sure that you can obtain this certificate with the contract.
Advice on the municipal registry of inhabitants
Student residence halls: You will have no problem getting registered.
Renting apartments: Ask the landlord if they will provide you with the necessary data for the municipal registry of inhabitants. Although landlords are required to do so, if you detect hesitation from them it is best to look for another option.
Subletting or renting without a contract: You will not be able to obtain the municipal registry of inhabitants certificate.
Tourist flats: Registration with the municipal registry of inhabitants is not possible with tourist flats.
If you have any questions, IQS can guide you in your search for accommodation and handling the necessary procedures.
As a university centre, IQS strongly recommends that students stay in one of the residence halls with which we have an agreement in place.
We have signed agreements in place with the following residence halls that offer student accommodation. You can consult them all here.
Residences near to IQS
- Bonanova La Salle – Passeig de la Bonanova, 8 – +34 93 254 09 65 – 607 085 459 – info@residencialasalle.com
- Emile de Villaneuve – Marquesa de Vilallonga, 19 – +34 645-470-584 – emilie@grupomestral.es
- Universitaria Sarrià – Esports, 1-7 – 93 206 55 40 – campus@residenciasarria.com
Other residences
- Livensa Living Diagonal Alto – Carrer de Sant Mateu, 9 – Esplugues de Llobregat – Call Centre +34 91 310 30 32 / Residence Hall +34 689 150 018 – living@livensaliving.com
- Livensa Living Santa-Badal – Carrer Riera Blanca, 149 – Barcelona – Call Centre +34 91 310 30 32 – living@livensaliving.com (telephone number available in September 2025)
- Àgora – https://www.agorabcn.com/donde-estamos/ – Pg.dels Castanyers, 21 (Barcelona) -34 93 166 90 00 – agoraresidents@cett.cat
- Grupo Mestral
- Turó Park Residence – https://grupomestral.com/students-barcelona-residences/ – C. Santaló, 35 (Barcelona)- 0034 93 100 02 40 / 0034 605 483 032 – manyanet@grupomestral.es
- Josep Manyanet Residence – https://grupomestral.com/students-barcelona-residences/ – C. Entença, 307 (Barcelona) 0034 93 100 02 40 / 0034 605 483 032- manyanet@grupomestral.es
- Lestonnac Residence https://grupomestral.com/students-barcelona-residences/ – C. Aragó, 284 (Barcelona) – 0034 93 100 02 40 / 0034 605 483 032 – manyanet@grupomestral.es
- The Social Hub – Alojamiento para estudiantes en Barcelona Poblenou – The Social Hub – C. Cristobal de Moura 49 (Barcelona) – 0034 932 207 279 – barcelonapn@thesocialhub.co – PromoCode 24/25
- Resa Investigadors Residence Hall- C. Hospital, 64 (Barcelona) 0034 934 43 86 10 – investigadors@resa.es
- Resa La Ciutadella Residence Hall – Pg. Pujades, 33-37 (Barcelona) 0034 933 94 32 00 – ciutadella@resa.es
- Resa Lesseps Residence Hall – Pl. Lesseps, 12 (Barcelona) 0034 933 94 16 00 – lesseps@resa.es
- Resa Pere Felip Monlau Residence Hall – C. Sant Oleguer, 20-22 (Barcelona) – 0034 933 94 31 00 – monlau@resa.es
- Resa Campus La Salle Residence Hall – C. Sant Joan de la Salle, 42 (Barcelona) – 0034 935 08 46 00 – campuslasallebcn@resa.es
- Campus del Mar Residence Hall – Pg. Salvat Papasseit, 4 (Barcelona) – 0034 933 90 40 00 – campusdelmar@resa.es
- Torre Girona Residence Hall – Pg. dels Til·lers, 19 (Barcelona) – 0034 933 90 43 00 – torregirona@resa.es
- Barcelona Diagonal Residence Hall – C. Capità Arenas, 52-56 (Barcelona) – 0034 937 01 20 00 – barcelonadiagonal@resa.es
- Resa Roberto de Nobili https://resa.es/residencias/san-cugat-valles/roberto-nobili/ Campus Esade St. Cugat – c. Llaceres 29 (Sant Cugat del Vallès) 0034 935 543 015 robertonobili@resa.es
- La Fabrica & Co https://lafabrica-co.com/coliving/ Doctor Trueta, 191, 08005 Barcelona 699246124 hola@lafabrica-co.com
- Xior Student Housing Collblanc https://xiorcollblanc.com/en/ – C. Ferran Jaume I Clua 20 (L’Hospitalet de Llobregat)- 0034 93 409 20 46 0034 620 296 108 – collblanc@xior.es
- Xior Student Housing Lofttown – https://thelofttown.com/en/ – C.Sèneca, 24-26 (Barcelona) – 0034 93 625 89 00 – 0034 686 932 017 “thelofttown@xior.es – info@thelofttown.com“
- Xior Student Housing Campus Diagonal Besòs – https://xiordiagonalbesos.com/en/ – Av. de Francesc Botey, 51 (Sant Adrià de Besòs) – 0034 93 786 68 33 – 0034 683 404 891 – diagonalbesos@xior.es
Other options
If you prefer to live in a flat, IQS has agreements in place with various accommodation providers. We recommend using one of the following platforms, designed exclusively for students.
All you have to do is get in touch with them, follow the indicated steps, and find the option that best suits your needs.
- STUDENTFY – An association in Barcelona that is partnered with IQS. Check their accommodation section. hola@studentfy.com
- BCU – This platform offers information on residence halls and rental flats as well as interesting information regarding higher education (research, conferences, living in Barcelona, etc.). reservas@bcuhousing.cat
- Habitatge Jove – This agency offers flats and rooms for students in Barcelona. It is partnered with BCU. info@habitatgejove.com
- Caterina House – This company specializes in flats with services for both students and professionals. info@caterina.house
- Lodgerin – This company specializes in the university/academic mobility sector, both for students and young professionals. info@lodgerin.com
Verify the condition of the flat
Before signing the contract, thoroughly inspect the flat and make sure the appliances are working properly. We recommend taking photos of everything when they hand over the keys to the flat to avoid future misunderstandings.
Verify the documentation
Make sure that the dwelling has a valid certificate of habitability and an energy efficiency certificate. These documents ensure that the flat is fit to be lived in.
Do not make any payments before signing the contract
Read all clauses carefully before signing and avoid making advance payments without an official rental contract.
Make credit card payments
Whenever possible, use your credit card for payments. In the event of an incident, you can ask your bank to cancel the payment or file a claim. Other payment methods may not offer this assurance.
Basic services
In most rentals, electricity, water, gas, telephone, and internet services are not included. Find out about the procedures required to register for them.
Check out rental insurance
Talk to the landlord to find out what insurance the house dwelling has and what coverage they offer in case of an emergency.