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Rafael González Olmos, PhD

Head of GESPA Group - Associate Professor

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science


PhD in Chemical Engineering (2008, URV).
Master in Environmental Engineering (2004, URV).
Chemical Engineer (2003, URV).


Associate Professor, 2022
Head of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science Department, 2022
Head of research group GESPA, 2022
Assistant Professor IQS (2014-2022)
Postdoctoral researcher in University of Girona (2011-2014)
Postoctoral researcher in CIEMAT – Centre of environmental and energy research (Spain) (2011)
Postdoctoral researcher in UFZ- Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Germany (2008-2011)

Research lines

  • CO2 capture and transformation
  • Water reuse
  • Circular economy
  • Simulation and optimisation of processes
  • Life cycle analysis




Research projects

RE(F)CICLA (Recovery and reuse of fluorinated gases using new circular economy approaches)

Impulsa la transición ecológica con estrategias de economía circular para recuperar y reutilizar refrigerantes fluorados, mitigando su impacto climático.
GESPA – Engineering and Simulation of Environmental Processes Group

FERTIDAC (Captura de CO2 destinada a fertilització d’hivernacles)

Tecnologia de captura directa d’aire de CO2 destinada a la fertilització de cultius hortícoles
GESPA – Engineering and Simulation of Environmental Processes Group

RFC + PU (Integrated RadioFrequency heated CO2 Capture and Plasma Utilisation)

Radiofrequency heating prototype to accelerate Carbon Capture
GESPA – Engineering and Simulation of Environmental Processes Group

OPTICCU (Optimization of a carbon capture and use technology in the food industry)

Vacuum pressure swing adsorption for capture and use of CO2 in the food industry
GESPA – Engineering and Simulation of Environmental Processes Group

Determinació de la capacitat de captura de CO2 de l’additiu PureTech

Determinació de la captura de CO2 de l'additiu PureTech en barreges amb pintures i asfalts
GESPA – Engineering and Simulation of Environmental Processes Group

NEW-F-Tech (Novel and Engineered Working Fluids for the refrigeration and energy industry: TECHnical solutions with low global warming potential)

Decarbonization and improvement of the energy efficiency of the refrigeration and energy industries
GESPA – Engineering and Simulation of Environmental Processes Group

STOP-F-GAS (Reducción de gases-fluorados: de la escala molecular a la ingeniería de procesos)

Diseño de solventes sostenibles capaces de recuperar selectivamente los F-Gases y su reutilización.
GESPA – Engineering and Simulation of Environmental Processes Group

CIRCFGAS (Circular economy for the mitigation of the environmental impact of fluorinated gases)

El projecte CIRFGAS tracta de desenvolupar nous processos de recuperació de gasos fluorats per la seva reutilització en noves mescles refrigerants
GESPA – Engineering and Simulation of Environmental Processes Group