Admissions requirements by educational system
IQS – URL is a university recognized by the Spanish Government, and all applications must meet the requirements established by the Ministry of Education in order to officially enrol. As a general rule, students must have passed the university access requirements established in their country of residence in order to pursue official studies in Spain.
The following information is provided merely as a reference and does not guarantee admission. We will evaluate your application even if your educational system is not listed.
Depending on the bachelor’s degree or dual bachelor’s degree you wish to study, a certain grade point average may be required for certain subjects taken during secondary school baccalaureate studies.
You must be in your second year of secondary school baccalaureate studies or have already finished when you submit your application for admission, and you must pass the PAU/EBAU/EVAU university access exam in the regular or extraordinary call for exams.
Specific subjects may be required depending on the bachelor’s degree for which you are applying for admission.
Studying an advanced vocational training cycle related to the bachelor’s degree you wish to study.
The IB Diploma must have been received by the May call for exams at the latest (the results will be available in early July). It is important to bear in mind that November applications will not be accepted and that IB certificates are not valid for completing enrolment.
IB students must submit their IB Diploma as the IB Certificate has no legal validity in Spain. In addition, the last two years of the IB programme cannot be divided.
The Spanish Government requires a minimum of 5 IGCSEs and 3 A-Levels.
We suggest taking courses related to the programme you choose in order to improve your chances of admission.
Your expected A-Level grades, along with continuous progress reports or notes, are sufficient for the admissions process.
Students with estimated A-Level results will be accepted, although you must confirm your final grades once published.
The BTEC is not accepted as a substitute for A-Levels.
Academic transcripts using the French grading scale (1 out of 20) will be accepted, and it is not necessary to translate them into Spanish. We accept report cards submitted in French or English.
Students from the Abitur system can submit their academic transcripts and diplomas in German. If required, we may request a translation in specific cases.
We accept American High School Diplomas issued by American high schools in the United States or by an American institution in another country.
The Spanish Ministry of Education requires that students who submit this diploma also include their academic transcripts for the last three years of high school (10th, 11th, and 12th grades). These students may not leave out any academic year. Students who have only completed grade 12 in the United States must submit their transcript for the courses equivalent to 10th and 11th grades in the educational systems in which they completed them. Otherwise, they will not be able to obtain official recognition and approval from the Spanish educational system.
Specific subjects may be required depending on the bachelor’s degree you wish to study.
No degrees from Technical or Professional Institutes will be accepted.
You must submit the certificate of the Direcçao Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) and the Exames Nacionais do Ensino Secundário (ENES) card.
Specific subjects and/or grades may be required depending on the bachelor’s degree you wish to study.
Specific subjects may be required depending on the bachelor’s degree for which you are applying for admission.
Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie with a general education profile.
In the case of studying in an international system, you must consult the IB, US high school diploma, or A-Levels requirements.
- India:
Candidates must complete Year 10 and Year 12 CBSE/ICSE or State Exams. - Albania: Diplomë e Maturës Shtetërore + Certifikatë Maturës Shtetërore obtained in secondary school with four general academic subjects in the final exam. Specific subjects may be required depending on the bachelor’s degree for which you are applying for admission.
- Belgium: Belgian Diploma (CESS or Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs).
Specific subjects may be required depending on the bachelor’s degree for which you are applying for admission.
- Croatia: Svjedodzba or (drzavnoj) Maturi (general education) from secondary school.
Specific subjects may be required depending on the bachelor’s degree for which you are applying for admission.
- China: Candidates who study China’s National Curriculum must successfully pass the national university entrance exam (Gaokao).
Specific subjects may be required depending on the bachelor’s degree for which you are applying for admission.
- Cyprus: Apolytirio Lykeiou from a public school.
Specific subjects may be required depending on the bachelor’s degree for which you are applying for admission.
- Estonia: Gumnaasiumi Loputunnistus plus the Riigieksamitunnistus.
Specific subjects may be required depending on the bachelor’s degree for which you are applying for admission.
- Finland: Ylioppilastutkintotodistus.
Specific subjects may be required depending on the bachelor’s degree for which you are applying for admission.
- Greece: Apolytirio Lykeiou with a minimum grade point average of 15 or higher.
Specific subjects may be required depending on the bachelor’s degree for which you are applying for admission.
- Netherlands: Dutch VWO.
Specific subjects may be required depending on the bachelor’s degree for which you are applying for admission.
- Hungary: Erretsegi Bizonyitvany with at least one advanced level exam subject + the fifth elective exam must be a general education subject.
Specific subjects may be required depending on the bachelor’s degree for which you are applying for admission.
- Latvia: Atestāts par Vispārējo Izglitibu + Vispārējās Vidējās izglītības Sertifikāts.
Enrolment requirement
Once you have received admission to a bachelor’s degree, and before starting the academic year, you must submit documentation proving that you meet the academic requirements to access university depending on the educational system in which you completed your secondary school studies.
Depending on your secondary school education system, you will need to follow a specific procedure to demonstrate that you meet the enrolment requirements:
You must have passed the PAU/EBAU/EVAU exams. Although we do not require students to take specific subjects in the voluntary phase of these exams, it is taken into account if a student has taken a subject related to the bachelor’s degree they wish to study.
You must submit your Certificate of Advanced Vocational Studies that grant access to university studies on which the final access grade for university studies is indicated.
Students from educational systems in the European Union, China, Switzerland, Norway, and countries with international agreements with Spain, as well as students who have earned the International Baccalaureate (IB) or European Baccalaureate, must submit credentials issued by UNEDasiss.
UNEDasiss verifies compliance with the access requirements according to the educational system of origin and issues the necessary accreditation for official studies at Spanish universities.
How to apply for accreditation
- Access the UNEDasiss website.
- Apply for your credential online.
- Submit required documentation.
For more information on education systems and countries with bilateral agreements with Spain, see the official UNED document. For more help, please email unedasiss@adm.uned.es.
If you come from an educational system apart from all the other educational systems mentioned above (e.g. the United States, Latin American countries, Russia, Turkey, etc.) you must:
- Meet the academic university access requirements in your education system.
- Obtain official recognition for your secondary studies through approval and recognition by the Spanish Ministry of Education.
Official approval and recognition is a process by which the Spanish Ministry of Education recognizes your secondary studies and grants you access to the Spanish University system.
This process may take a few months. Start the process as soon as you have the necessary documentation. You will not be able to enrol in IQS without proof of having applied for approval and recognition.