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Accreditations & Homologations

ISO 9001 Certification

IQS is certified by AENOR according to the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard for the Design and execution of research, development and technological innovation projects and services, as well as the performance of chemical, physicochemical, biological and mechanical analyses, the provision of scientific and technological consultancy services in the following sectors: environmental, human and animal food products, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, phytosanitary products, basic and speciality chemistry products and chemical, biotechnological and industrial processes. (ER-0992/2000 IQS).

ISO 17025 Accreditations

IQS has accreditations in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard, which guarantee our technical competence in certain tests, as well as the credibility of the results obtained.

We have the following ISO 17025 accreditations:

Accreditation by ENAC according to the UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard for testing in the environmental sector (196/LE344) in matrices of air emissions, air immissions, ashes, water, soils and sediments:

  • Dioxin and furan analysis (PCDD/F) in all matrices
  • PCB (DL-PCB, NDL-PCB), PAH (16 EPA including benzo(a)pyrene) in air emissions

Accreditation by ENAC according to the UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard for the performance of chemical tests for traces of persistent organic pollutants in agri-food products (196/LE958):

  • Analysis of dioxins, furans (PCDD/F), dioxin-like PCB (DL-PCB) and non dioxin-like PCB (NDL-PCB) in food and feed products

GMP studies

IQS has the certificate of compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices, established in Directive 2003/94/EC, Directive 91/412/EC, which is issued by the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS).

The scope includes the performance of quality control activities (physico-chemical analysis) of active ingredients, medicines and raw materials in general, related to marketed medicines and medicines under investigation.

IQS also has the Certificate issued by the competent authority of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Likewise, IQS also has the certificate of compliance with the requirements of Part I of the EU Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Guidelines issued by Rephine, which audits our services on behalf of various companies in the pharmaceutical sector.

TECNIO-ACCIÓ Acknowledgement

IQS Tech Transfer is a TECNIO accredited agent in the technology developer category. This seal is awarded by the Generalitat de Catalunya through ACCIÓ to identify where the most innovative technology is located, the suppliers that offer it and the facilitators involved in the process of technology and knowledge transfer.

Other Acknowledgements

Being true to one of our fundamental principles, the partnership with the industry and businesses, we have other awards. This allows us to consolidate and renew day after day the trust that companies place in our work.

Qualification by the Oficina d’Acreditació d’Entitat Col.laboradors (Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat de la Generalitat de Catalunya) in accordance with Decree 60/2015, as a testing laboratory in the field of air pollution prevention in the field of: “Dioxins and furans (PCDD and PCDF) according to UNE-EN 1948-2 and UNE-EN 1948-3”. Entity subscribed to the Registre d’entitats col·laboradores de medi ambient with the code 045-LA-A.

Centre registered in the Registre de Laboratoris Agroalimentaris de Catalunya.

Centre approved by the Direcció General de Consum i Seguretat Industrial de la Generalitat de Catalunya for the evaluation of the Obligatory Declarations of Major Accidents Risk.

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