MAGIC3RF (Multifunctional MAterials for Green Integrated CO2 Capture & Conversion in RadioFrequencyheated system)

Investigador principal
Grupo de investigación

Fuente de financiación:
Generalitat de Catalunya
02/12/2024 a 01/06/2025
Tipología del proyecto:
Proyecto Individual
Estado del proyecto:
Entidad financiadora:

The MAGIC3RF project is an academic-industry collaborative research initiative to accelerate the time to market for CO2 capture & conversion assisted by radiofrequency heating.
The project will develop affordable, cost- effective, low environmental impact and resource-efficient CO2 capture technology through a preprototype for the economical adsorption and desorption of CO2 wirth a multifunctional materials as sorbent + catalyst + targeted-focussed radiofrequency heating source. The demonstration and implementation of a new and greener approach for CO2 capture+conversion will address the main issues for SMEs and multinational companies when dealing with their biogenic CO2 emissions. The main goal of MAGIC3RF is to overcome issues related to energy consumption, resources and costs for sorbent/catalyst synthesis, process efficiency and environmental impact for a large scale implementation of CO2 capture & conversion with radiofrequency heating. The proposal is aligned to meet the research needs of industry, combined with foresight to overcome challenges linked to uptake and wider commercialization of the technology through capture & conversion at integrated industrial and emissions hub clusters.
In addition to testing the innovative multifunctional materials and the radiofrequency heating approach via process integration with sorbent materials optimisation, a preprototype for the needs in terms of CO2 capture and conversion of industrial partners will be assembled and tested. The market study and knowledge transfer of the project will be considered, including life cycle analysis to decision-makers and to the wider society, an essential element for the sustainability of the new technology and, consequently, the acceptance of CO2 capture + conversion with radiofrequency heating in the market. This project is an award from the 2024 Call «Ajuts d’Indústria del Coneixement» ) with the support of AGAUR and Departament de Recerca i Universitats de la Generalitat de Catalunya.